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mobile payment
93% of attempted mobile transactions in 2019 were fraudulent

93 percent of total mobile transactions in 20 countries were blocked as fraudulent in 2019 according to a report on the state of malware and mobile ad fraud released by …

Are businesses prepared for an extinction-level cyber event?

In an era of technological transformation and cyber everywhere, the attack surface is exponentially growing as cyber criminals attack operational systems and backup …

Emotet remains the dark market leader for delivery-as-a-service

The vast majority of nationally sponsored cybersecurity incidents take the form of espionage through data exfiltration, with frequent employment of remote access tool Plug-X, …

Hacking and malware cause 75% of all data breaches in the financial services industry

Only 6% of all breaches in 2019 were suffered by financial services firms, according to Bitglass. However, these breaches compromised significantly more records than those …

As malware and network attacks increase in 2019, zero day malware accounts for 50% of detections

Amid significant increases in both malware and network attacks, multiple Apache Struts vulnerabilities – including one used in the devastating Equifax data breach – appeared …

BYOD security challenges leave companies at risk

Organizations aren’t moving quickly enough on cybersecurity threats linked to the drive toward using personal mobile devices in the workplace, warns a QUT privacy …

Key security priorities for financial services: Preventing fraud and data leaks

The banking and financial services sector is struggling with a skills shortage along with the sheer volume of threats and alerts as it continues its ongoing battle against …

The hidden risks of cryptojacking attacks

For any business, privacy and security are a constant concern. The variety and velocity of attacks seeking to infiltrate corporate systems and steal vital business and …

Free download: Botnet and IoT Security Guide 2020

The Council to Secure the Digital Economy (CSDE), a partnership between global technology, communications, and internet companies supported by USTelecom—The Broadband …

Cyber threats continue to evolve, but security teams remain confident

Coming off of a year of major data breaches making headline news, it’s easy to draw the conclusion that security teams are losing the cybersecurity battle, a DomainTools …

Monero Project site compromised, served malware-infected binaries

The official website of the Monero Project has been compromised to serve a malware-infected version of the CLI (command-line interface) wallet. The malicious file was …

Healthcare spikes data breach fever, endpoint threat detections grow 60%

The healthcare industry has been overwhelmingly targeted by Trojan malware during the last year, which increased by 82 percent in Q3 2019 over the previous quarter, according …

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