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Ad-injecting malware hijacks Chrome, Edge, Firefox

When searching for things online, has a greater number of ads than usual been popping up at the top of your search results? If it has, and you’re using Microsoft Edge, …

Key cybersecurity problems expected to mark 2021

After a year in which COVID-19 upended the way we live, work and socialize, we are likely to see an increased threat from ransomware and fileless malware in 2021, according to …

Consumers would like to view internet connectivity as a trusted utility

CSPs are well positioned to capture a clearly defined opportunity by meeting their customers’ unmet need for protection against growing threats, such as phishing and malware, …

Raising defenses against ransomware in healthcare

More than half a decade has passed since ransomware-wielding attackers started focusing on healthcare providers. Despite some initial misgivings about targeting life-saving …

Foiling RaaS attacks via active threat hunting

In this Help Net Security podcast, Jon DiMaggio, Chief Security Strategist at Analyst1, talks about the characteristic of attacks launched by Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) …

Malware may trick biologists into generating dangerous toxins in their labs

An end-to-end cyber-biological attack, in which unwitting biologists may be tricked into generating dangerous toxins in their labs, has been discovered by Ben-Gurion …

Cyber insurance claims on the rise

External attacks on companies result in the most expensive cyber insurance losses, but it is employee mistakes and technical problems that are the most frequent generator of …

56% of organizations faced a ransomware attack, many paid the ransom

There’s a continued proliferation of ransomware, heightened concerns around nation-state actors, and the need for acceleration of both digital and security …

Ransomware still the most common cyber threat to SMBs

Ransomware still remains the most common cyber threat to SMBs, with 60% of MSPs reporting that their SMB clients have been hit as of Q3 2020, Datto reveals. More than 1,000 …

Malware activity spikes 128%, Office document phishing skyrockets

Nuspire released a report, outlining new cybercriminal activity and tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) throughout Q3 2020, with additional insight from Recorded Future. …

Woman working on laptop
The security consequences of massive change in how we work

Organizations underwent an unprecedented IT change this year amid a massive shift to remote work, accelerating adoption of cloud technology, Duo Security reveals. The security …

Fraudsters increasingly creative with names and addresses for phishing sites

COVID-19 continues to significantly embolden cybercriminals’ phishing and fraud efforts, according to research from F5 Labs. The report found that phishing incidents rose 220% …

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