It takes less than one hour to exploit vulnerable container infrastructure
Aqua Security published a research revealing a continued rise in cyberattacks targeting container infrastructure and supply chains, and showing that it can now take less than …
Ransomware decreases as cybercriminals hit more lucrative targets
McAfee released a report examining cybercriminal activity related to malware and the evolution of cyber threats in the first quarter of 2021. The quarter saw cyber adversaries …
Best practices for IT teams to prevent ransomware attacks
According to Check Point research, the number of organizations affected by ransomware has been growing at 9% monthly since the start of the year. From WannaCry, Petya, and …
Most organizations would pay in the event of a ransomware attack
Despite the Director of the FBI, the US Attorney General and the White House warning firms against paying cyber-related ransoms, 60 percent of organizations have admitted they …
Cloud security posture confidence is high, yet most IT pros have experienced a cloud-related breach
OpsCompass announced the results of a report it conducted on cloud security posture and management challenges. The report is based on survey responses from 253 full-time, …
Organizations ill-equipped to deal with growing BYOD security threats
Bitglass and Cybersecurity Insiders announced several findings from a report that show the rapid adoption of unmanaged personal devices connecting to work-related resources …
Bad cybersecurity behaviors plaguing the remote workforce
A report from Tessian reveals that 56% of IT leaders believe their employees have picked up bad cybersecurity behaviors since working from home. As organizations make plans …
Cyber criminals are targeting digital artists
Cyber criminals looking for a quick payout and valuables are targeting digital artists using NFTs (non-fungible tokens), warns security researcher Bart Blaze. The attackers …
VPN attacks up nearly 2000% as companies embrace a hybrid workplace
Nuspire released a report which outlines new cybercriminal activity and tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) with additional insight from Recorded Future. “As companies …
Top threats to consumer cyber safety
Norton Labs revealed the top cybersecurity trends from January to March 2021. Phishing campaigns remained the number one threat to consumer cyber safety, with top scams …
Vaccine passports challenged by data privacy and security implications
With the ongoing distribution of COVID-19 vaccines across the globe and the broader U.S. economy preparing to reopen, the question of international travel has become a topic …
Are your cyber defenses stuck in the sandbox?
Installing a network sandbox to safeguard against external threats has been accepted by many as the gold standard for more than a decade. Sandbox-based cybersecurity solutions …