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Bogus airline charge leads to Zeus Trojan

A recent spam campaign is targeting frequent users of a popular German airline carrier, baiting them with a exorbitant bogus fee that has apparently been charged to their …

Waledac botnet wakes up after 7 days of sleep

Waledac appeared in a new version in the last days of 2010, sending out big amounts of New Year related spam messages. It then stopped spamming in the evening of January 4th, …

REMnux: Linux distribution for reverse-engineering malware

REMnux is a lightweight Linux distribution for assisting malware analysts in reverse-engineering malicious software. REMnux is designed for running services that are useful to …

Online security tips for avoiding malware

Every month hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting computer users are faced by the inconveniences, complications and data loss that can come with Trojan horses, worms and email …

38 billion spam e-mails: A sign of things to come?

Over the last twelve months, AppRiver quarantined more than 38 billion spam messages, almost double the amount quarantined just two years ago. Of that total, 450 million …

24% of clicks generated by a Facebook scam came from mobile platforms

Malware that targets social networks such as Facebook is platform-independent and is as widely spread as malware that targets PCs, warned BitDefender. According to Google …

Tuesday is the most active day for threats

The most active day for threat-related traffic worldwide is Tuesday, with Monday a close second, according to a report by SonicWALL. This pattern holds true for the U.S., …

Kneber botnet returns, steals sensitive government documents

The Kneber botnet is running and striking again – this time with a Christmas-themed electronic greeting card seemingly coming from The White House and targeting …

Fake Microsoft security update carries Autorun worm

An e-mail supposedly coming from Microsoft and urging the recipients to update their Windows has started making rounds yesterday: There are a lot of people out there who will …

Android Trojan with botnet capabilities found in the wild

A new, more sophisticated Trojan for Android devices has been spotting lurking on third-party Chinese Android app markets – the first ever piece of Android malware that …

Fake iTunes e-mail leads to drive-by download

E-mails purportedly coming from iTunes and bearing “iTunes account may be suspended” in the subject line have been hitting inboxes in the last few days. …

Worm blocks access to Facebook

A relatively new worm that Symantec named W32.Yimfoca presents a very interesting and never before seen modus operandi. A variant of the worm spreads via Yahoo! Messenger and, …

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