Trojan paves way for rogue defragmenter
You might have heard about rogue AV solutions and scareware, but not many people have experienced a rogue defragmenter that hides files and (indirectly) asks money to return …
Wikipedia-like sites peddling fake pharmaceuticals
Wikipedia is practically a household name now, so it’s no wonder that spammers are trying to take advantage of the online encyclopedia’s popularity and (relative) …
The rise of rogue AV
April saw a continued increase in the volume of detected malware, with 73,000 new variants of threats being released daily – a 26 percent increase over the same period …
Tips for guarding against mobile malware threats
In order to guard against growing mobile malware threats, Juniper Networks offers the tips below. For consumers: Install an on-device anti-malware solution to protect against …
Phishing attacks rise year over year
Phishing attacks in Q1 2011 increased significantly compared to Q1 2010, according to IID. Criminals utilized phishing scams 12 percent more from January to March 2011 than …
Explosive financial malware targets Windows
Trusteer identified Sunspot, a little known Windows malware platform that has been in circulation for some time, but was never previously recognized for its financial fraud …
400% increase in Android malware
Enterprise and consumer mobile devices are exposed to a record number of security threats, including a 400 percent increase in Android malware, as well as highly targeted …
Fake Patch Tuesday alert leads to Zeus infection
The term “Patch Tuesday” has become widely known and is so intimately tied to Microsoft that it is no wonder that malware peddlers are using it to add an aura of …
Fake AV spreading via Yahoo! Answers
From poisoned Google image search results to poisoned answers to legitimate questions on Q&A sites like Yahoo! Answers and public forums, malware peddlers are determined …
Cyber criminals moving operations to Canada
Cyber criminals are on the move again and, this time, Canada is the prime target. IP addresses in China and Eastern Europe are highly scrutinized and undergoing intense …
Two new malware variants targeting Facebook
Two new malware variants are targeting Facebook users, according to Fortinet. The malware, which is intended to look as though they’re coming from Facebook, claim that …
RTF exploit hiding in bin Laden death-themed email
Osama bin Laden’s death is sure to be milked for all it’s worth by online spammers and scammers, and the latest instance of this also seems to be the latest …
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- CISOs, are your medical devices secure? Attackers are watching closely
- Cybersecurity classics: 10 books that shaped the industry
- NIST selects HQC as backup algorithm for post-quantum encryption
- NetBird: Open-source network security
- Burnout in cybersecurity: How CISOs can protect their teams (and themselves)