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Hiloti Trojan downloader infection rates triple in UK

The Hiloti generic downloader is a Trojan first seen in December 2008 has shown a dramatic increase in infection rates of PCs during June 2011. Hiloti is a generic malware …

“Credit card overdue” spam carries malware

Spam emails seemingly coming from a credit card company have been hitting inboxes and trying to scare users into downloading and running the attached malicious file: According …

Russia becomes world leader for malware

The volume of spam in email traffic increased 2.1 per cent in May, when compared with the previous month, making up on average 80.8 per cent of the total. A reduction of …

Bitcoin-mining Trojan spotted

Bitcoin has received lately a lot of attention from users and from the media, so it’s no wonder that cyber criminals have also figured out ways to take advantage of its …

Solution for Popureb rootkit infection

Bootkits are kernel-mode rootkit variants that hide in the computer’s master boot record (MBR) and are notoriously difficult to spot and, sometimes, to eradicate. …

Federal Reserve spam campaign leads to malware

A rather poorly executed but extensive spam campaign impersonating the US Federal Reserve is currently targeting online banking users. The email, using graphics hosted by the …

FBI swoops on scareware distributors

The US Department of Justice and the FBI, along with international law enforcement partners, announced the indictment of two individuals from Latvia and the seizure of more …

Fake federal tax payment emails lead to malware

“Your federal tax payment was rejected”. We imagine that the sight of these words would make even the most security-aware individuals click on anything in sight as …

“Free McDonald’s meal” spam leads to malware

Spam campaigns offering free stuff are usually rather effective, and the latest one touting a free breakfast at McDonald’s on the 27th of June is likely to reel in many …

Increase in stolen digital certificates used to sign malware

A report unearths how “trusted malware” is continuing to grow at an alarming rate. In Q2, AVG has seen an increase in the number of stolen digital certificates …

WordPress users endangered by Trojanized plugins

Three popular WordPress plugins have been Trojanized by unknown individuals and made available for download, warned WordPress yesterday. “Earlier today the WordPress …

Japan criminalizes malware creation and distribution

The Japanese parliament has finally passed a law that punishes malware creators and distributers – and even people who acquire/store malware – with jail time and a …

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