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Spear-phishing and crimeware assembling marked second half of 2010

The Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) reports that the development of crimeware surged in the half-year period ending in December, 2010 with one data contributor registering …

Conversation-spying Android Trojan in the wild

Android malware has so far been spotted doing things like sending text messages or making calls to premium service numbers, sending out information about the device and …

Conficker found on external HD devices on sale

Australian supermarket chain ALDI might seem like the last place where one can pick up a Conficker infection, but according to an emergency security alert by the Australian …

“Wrong hotel transaction” spam bombards victims with malware

A particularly malicious spam run consisting of emails ostensibly sent by reception desk managers of various hotels has been targeting Visa users. The emails exhibit subject …

Norman antimalware appliance built on Linux platform

Norman announced the latest version of its Network Protection (NNP) antimalware appliance, which improves protection against persistent IT infrastructure security attacks. New …

SpyEye Trojan country hit list

The number of financial institutions targeted by the SpyEye Trojan is growing, according to Trusteer. Risk analysis teams have also observed an increase in the number of …

SecurID users targeted by fake NSA email

RSA’s SecurID token users have recently been targeted with fake emails supposedly coming from the US National Security Agency urging them to update their token code …

Japanese man arrested for storing malware

38-year-old Yasuhiro Kawaguchi is the first person in Japan to get arrested for storing malware on his computer after the upper house’s Judicial Affairs Committee has …

Malware analysis platform

Norman launched the Norman Malware Analyzer G2 platform, which elivers the benefits of traditional sandbox analysis while also offering new IntelliVM capability which embeds …

Chameleon-like fake AV delivered via clever social engineering

A very complex and likely very efficient fake AV spreading campaign has been spotted targeting Facebook users. It starts with users being apparently contacted by one of their …

Mikko Hypponen: Fighting viruses, defending the net

It’s been 25 years since the first PC virus (Brain A) hit the net, and what was once an annoyance has become a sophisticated tool for crime and espionage. Computer …

DDoS bot masquerades as Java update

An especially virulent Trojan variant with DDoS capabilities has been spotted masquerading as a regular Java update and is being served both from legitimate and malicious …

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