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Kaspersky Lab unveils virtualization security solution

Kaspersky Lab announced Kaspersky Security for Virtualization, focused on protecting evolving corporate IT infrastructures from malware and cybercriminals. The solution …

Active mobile botnet enslaves thousands of Android devices

A trojanized Android application for configuring phone settings has been enslaving the devices of the customers of China’s two largest mobile carriers into a botnet …

The evolution of targeted attacks and exploit kits

There’s been a significant growth in cybercrime, via sophisticated targeted attacks and social media scams, as well as a rise in malicious email attachments, despite a …

Cybercriminals tailoring tactics for maximum appeal

GFI Software released its report on the most prevalent threat detections encountered during January. Last month saw malware attacks targeting a wide range of potential …

Convincing tax-themed spam leads to malware

With the US tax season underway, users are constantly being targeted with tax-themed spam. The latest one to be spotted is an email purportedly coming from Inuit, a US company …

Trojan rounds up and steals Word and Excel docs

Beware of bogus FedEx emails asking you to review a shipment notification – the attached Fedex_Invoice.exe is actually a downloader Trojan that opens you computer to …

Update on the Kelihos botnet

Reports that the Kelihos botnet is back online and that its original operators are again trying to take over its reigns have been premature, says Microsoft. “Contrary to …

Simple steps to ensure online safety

Resent research into internet use by teenagers conducted for GFI Software revealed that one in three parents do not know if Internet safety tips are being taught to their …

Viral Facebook spam campaign delivers malware

If you spot a Facebook friend of yours worrying about and linking to news about the US attacking Iran and Saudi Arabia, curb your curiosity and don’t follow the link if …

Server-side polymorphic Android apps

Server-side polymorphism as a technique to serve unique malware versions that evade signature-based detection to Windows users is used by many malware peddlers on a regular …

Kelihos botnet rises up again

Kelihos – the botnet whose operation was disrupted last September by Microsoft and Kaspersky Lab by shutting down its C&C servers and making its bots contact a …

Google reveals it is already scanning Android apps for malware

Even though most malicious Android apps are served from third-party app markets, cyber crooks occasionally manage to disseminate some via Google’s official Android …

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