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Ghost USB honeypot released

Ghost is a honeypot for malware that spreads via USB storage devices. It detects infections with such malware without the need of any further information. The honeypot …

Cloud-based endpoint security with protection for Exchange Server

Panda Security released Panda Cloud Office Protection Advanced, a cloud-based endpoint security solution with protection for Exchange Server. This new module is fully …

Global 2000 networks are vulnerable to Flame-style attacks

Venafi has aggregated scanning data from the networks of 450 Global 2000 enterprises and discovered how frequently MD5-signed certificates are deployed – and it is quite …

Fake Amazon email leads to exploit kit

Fake Amazon order confirmations are hitting inboxes and trying to trick recipients into following any of the links to a page serving the Blackhole exploit kit. The email looks …

Flame and Stuxnet are linked, say researchers

Kaspersky Lab researchers who have been rooting into the code of the Flame toolkit since its discovery believe to have unearthed definitive proof that, at one point in time, …

New BIOS rootkit spotted

Towards the end of 2011, a Chinese company detected the first rootkit ever that targeted computers’ BIOS in order to be able to reinfect computers over and over again, …

Beware of bogus Facebook hacking tools

Users who are in the market for tools that are supposedly able to hack someone’s Facebook account should be extremely careful when being faced with such an offer. Trend …

Fake Craigslist notifications lead to exploit kit

Emails purportedly sent by Craigslist have been hitting users’ inboxes and trying to get them to follow the offered link to a website hosting the Blackhole exploit kit, …

Android spying app masquerades as Gmail

A new piece of Android malware that has recently been unearthed by NQ Mobile researchers is capable of logging text messages and phone calls, as well as record them, and send …

Free dual-engine portable malware scanner

Emsisoft Emergency Kit 2.0 protects against malware infections of any kind. It is fully portable and therefore requires no installation whatsoever, ready to be launched …

Flame’s massive C&C infrastructure revealed

Day after day, new details are discovered by security researchers that seem to prove the talent and the apparently unlimited resources that the authors of the Flame toolkit …

Facebook warns its users infected with DNSChanger

As the date of the shutdown of the interim systems that allow computers infected by the DNSChanger Trojan to connect to the Internet draws near, Facebook has joined Google in …

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