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Hand of Thief Linux Trojan fails to work as promised

RSA researchers have recently spotted a banking Trojan targeting Linux systems being sold online by a cybercrime team based in Russia. Dubbed Hand of Thief by its creator(s), …

NetTraveler APT group is back, adds watering hole attacks to its arsenal

The “Red Star” APT group employing the NetTraveler malware family is still active, but has changed its modus operandi. Its targets remain the same: government …

Leaked FinFisher presentation details toolkit’s spying capabilities

F-Secure’s Mikko Hypponen has shared several interesting slides from a presentation that displays the wide range of capabilities offered by the FinFisher commercial …

Five ways to get the most out of your sandbox

There’s been a lot of talk lately about the value of sandbox technology as part of a cybersecurity defense. While sandboxes are a valuable tool in the hands of a …

Banking Trojans dominate malware in e-mail traffic

The percentage of spam in email traffic in July was up only 0.1 percentage points and averaged at 71.2 per cent, according to Kaspersky Lab. Malicious attachments were found …

Got malware?

94.7 percent of Americans received at least one email containing a virus, spyware, or malware, according to Halon. About one in eleven (8.8%) opened the attachment and …

Kelihos botnet: What victims can expect

Kelihos is a botnet which utilizes P2P communication to maintain its CnC Network. With all of the attention around Kelihos, it should be no surprise that 30/45 AV vendors are …

G-20 themed emails deliver spying malware to EU, Canadian officials

The topic of the G-20 summit that is scheduled to be held in Russia next month is being misused by multiple cyber espionage groups some of which have been tracked to China, …

Popular Windows downloader has secret DDoS capability

Unbeknownst to its users and perhaps even to its developers, the popular Windows download manager Orbit Downloader has been outfitted with a DDoS component. The Orbit …

Ransomware changes Windows login credentials

So far, ransomware has mostly been spotted targeting US, Canadian, Australian and European users, but its not limited to hitting citizens of these traditionally prosperous …

ZeroAccess developers continue to innovate

A while ago a group of researchers has analyzed and tested the resilience of P2P botnets, and has discovered that while Zeus and Sality botnets are highly resilient to …

Analysis of Poison Ivy remote access tool

A new FireEye report highlights the resurgence of Poison Ivy, a malware Remote Access Tool (RAT) that has remained popular and effective eight years after its original release …

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