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Bash “Shellshock” bug: Who needs to worry?

As expected, attackers have begun exploiting the GNU Bash “Shellshock” remote code execution bug (CVE-2014-6271) to compromise systems and infect them with …

Malvertising attack techniques dissected

At Virus Bulletin 2014, Bromium presented a research report that highlights the severe risk of malicious ad networks infecting end users. This research provides a real-world …

UK employees targeted with fake policy violation emails

A new cyber-crime attack has been tricking SMB employees in the UK into downloading Trojans by accusing them of violating company policy. The spam wave started to accelerate … compromised to serve malware via drive-by download, the official website of the popular cross-platform JavaScript library of the same name, has been compromised and has been redirecting visitors to a website hosting …

Tinba Trojan targets major US banks

Tinba, the tiny (20 KB) banking malware with man-in-the-browser and network traffic sniffing capabilities, is back. After initially being made to target users of a small …

Macro based malware is on the rise

Malware authors have a rediscovered their love for Visual Basic, as the percentage of macro based malware rose from around 6% of all document malware in June to 28% in July, …

Citadel malware becomes APT tool in newest hacking campaign

APT attackers wielding a newer, more dangerous versions of the Citadel malware have been targeting a number of Middle Eastern petrochemical companies, Trusteer researchers …

(IN)SECURE Magazine issue 43 released

(IN)SECURE Magazine is a free digital security publication discussing some of the hottest information security topics. Issue 43 has been released today. Table of contents: …

Dragonfly malware targeting pharmaceutical companies

The recently revealed Dragonfly (Havex) malware is likely targeting the pharmaceutical sector, not the energy sector as previously believed, according to Belden. Until now, …

Home Depot and Target attackers likely not the same

More details about the malware used in the Home Depot breach have surfaced, and it seems that, after all, it wasn’t the one used in the Target breach (BlackPOS). …

Everything you need to know about POS malware

With this year’s dramatic uptick in data breaches targeting retailers and restaurant chains and, more specifically, the payment card data they process every day, …

Researchers find malicious extensions in Chrome Web Store

Earlier this year, Google has made it so that extension that are not hosted on the Chrome Web Store can’t be installed and used by users of its popular browser. This …

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