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Regin backdoor: Sophisticated, stealthy, state-sponsored?

Symantec researchers are warning about a new, complex cyber espionage tool that has been around for years and that has likely been created and is wielded by a nation state. …

Detekt government surveillance spyware on your computer

Amnesty International, Digitale Gesellschaft, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Privacy International have partnered to create and release a free and open source tool for …

New Citadel variant is after your master password

A good indication that the use of password managers has become a thing is the fact that cyber crooks are now trying to slurp up users’ master password for a number of …

Sophisticated Android-based botnet a danger to enterprise networks

A new, more sophisticated and more stealthy version of the NotCompatible Android Trojan continues to strengthen one of the most long-lived and advanced mobile botnets ever to …

Malware Domain Generating Algorithms are becoming more sophisticated

Malware cut off from its C&C servers is effectively useless to its masters, so they are continually trying to find new ways of maintaining that connection at all times. …

Trojanized Android firmware found on inexpensive handhelds

It’s unfortunate, but true: we live in a world where even if we buy a brand new mobile phone, it’s no guarantee that it’s malware-free. Researchers from …

Suspected WireLurker creators and distributors arrested in China

Three individuals been arrested by the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau in connection to the WireLurker OS X and iOS malware being served to users of Maiyadi, a …

Attackers shellshock, take over devices running on BusyBox

ShellShock, the remote code execution bug (CVE-2014-6271) affecting GNU Bash, the command interpreter present on many Unix systems and Linux distributions, is still being …

Malicious Tor exit node is run by MiniDuke APT actors

The malicious Tor exit node located in Russia that added malicious code to the software downloaded by users has been tied to the APT actors wielding the MiniDuke backdoor. …

Organized cyber crooks plunder SMBs with simple, cheap keyloggers

The popularity and pervasiveness of Zeus/Zbot has made it almost a synonym for banking malware, but there are unfortunately many more types of malicious software that allow …

First victims of the Stuxnet worm revealed

After analyzing more than 2,000 Stuxnet files collected over a two-year period, Kaspersky Lab can identify the first victims of the Stuxnet worm. After Stuxnet was discovered …

Fake malware-laden Amazon emails target UK, US shoppers

As the holiday season slowly approaches, and users increasingly turn to the Internet to do their holiday shopping before the seasonal madness begins, cyber crooks are trying …

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