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New Android Trojan fakes device shut down, spies on users

A new Android Trojan that tricks users into believing they have shut their device down while it continues working, and is able to silently make calls, send messages, take …

Vawtrack malware peddlers turn to malicious macros

Cybercriminals spreading new versions of the Vawtrak banking Trojan are the latest ones to use the once again popular macro-based attack. Popular in the early 2000s, this type …

Equation Group: Cyber espionage, compromising HDD firmware, sophisticated malware

For several years, the Kaspersky Lab Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) has been monitoring more than 60 advanced threat actors responsible for cyber-attacks worldwide. …

Is there an overarching organization that helps Arab hackers?

Trend Micro researchers have unearthed two separate but closely linked malware campaigns attributed to Arab parties. The first one, dubbed Operation Arid Viper, is aimed …

Banking Trojan Dyreza sends 30,000 malicious emails in one day

A massive spam wave is installing banking Trojan Dyreza on tens of thousands of computers to steal sensitive financial data from unsuspecting customers, warns Bitdefender. …

16 million mobile devices infected by malware

Security threats to mobile and residential devices and attacks on communications networks rose in 2014, threatening personal and corporate privacy and information. …

The limits of prevention-centric security programs

In an analysis of tens of thousands of malicious files, Damballa discovered that it can take more than six months for traditional AV tools to create signatures for 100% of the …

VirusTotal sets up huge AV whitelist to minimize false positives

One of the worst things that can happen to a software developer, and especially if they are a small firm or a single individual, is for their program to be falsely detected as …

Improved Simplocker variant hits Android users hard

Mobile crypto-ransomware Simplocker has evolved, and returning the encrypted files to their unencrypted state is no longer easy as it was. First spotted in June 2014, …

Google Play flaw opens Android devices to silent malware installation

Android users are in danger of getting malicious apps silently installed on their devices by attackers, warns Rapid7’s Tod Beardsley, technical lead for the Metasploit … compromised by Chinese cyber spies targeting US firms – the 61st most popular website in the US according to Alexa – has been compromised to redirect certain visitors to websites delivering espionage …

Majority of dating apps are open to hacks

IBM Security found that over 60% of leading Android dating mobile apps they studied are potentially vulnerable to a variety of cyber-attacks that put personal user information …

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