Compromised Skype accounts deliver DarkGate malware to employees
A threat actor is using compromised Skype accounts to deliver the DarkGate malware to target organizations, Trend Micro researchers have warned. “Versions of DarkGate …

As biohacking evolves, how vulnerable are we to cyber threats?
Can our bodies be hacked? The answer may be yes, in that anyone can implant a chip under the skin and these devices do not usually use secure technologies, according to …

Endpoint malware attacks decline as campaigns spread wider
In Q2 2023, 95% of malware now arrives over encrypted connections, endpoint malware volumes are decreasing despite campaigns growing more widespread, ransomware detections are …

Cybersecurity pros predict rise of malicious AI
76% of cybersecurity professionals believe the world is very close to encountering malicious AI that can bypass most known cybersecurity measures, according to Enea. 26% see …

Cybercriminals can go from click to compromise in less than a day
The median dwell time in ransomware engagements dropped to just under 24 hours from 4.5 days in the previous year and 5.5 days in the year before that, according to …

LLMs lower the barrier for entry into cybercrime
Cybercriminals employ evolving attack methodologies designed to breach traditional perimeter security, including secure email gateways, according to Egress. “Without a doubt …

9 essential ransomware guides and checklists available for free
According to Fortinet, ransomware activity has intensified, registering an increase of 13 times compared to the beginning of 2023 in terms of all malware detections. The rise …

Ransomware groups are shifting their focus away from larger targets
One in every six ransomware attacks targeting US government offices was traced back to the LockBit ransomware group, according to Trend Micro. Overall ransomware attack victim …

Fake Bitwarden installation packages delivered RAT to Windows users
Windows users looking to install the Bitwarden password manager may have inadvertently installed a remote access trojan (RAT). The ZenRAT malware A malicious website spoofing …

Hands-on threat simulations: Empower cybersecurity teams to confidently combat threats
Security processes are increasingly automated which has led some businesses to deprioritize developing their security teams’ defense skills. While antivirus and non-human …

Balancing cybersecurity with convenience and progress
Changing approaches to cybersecurity have led to slow but steady progress in defense and protection. Still, competing interests create a growing challenge for cybersecurity …

Current ransomware defensive efforts are not working
Despite some positive developments, the impact of ransomware attacks remains high, according to SpyCloud. Infostealer infections preceded 22% of ransomware events for North …