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Evasive malware increasing, evading signature-based antivirus solutions

Evasive malware has grown to record high levels, with over two-thirds of malware detected by WatchGuard in Q4 2019 evading signature-based antivirus solutions. This is a …

As malware and network attacks increase in 2019, zero day malware accounts for 50% of detections

Amid significant increases in both malware and network attacks, multiple Apache Struts vulnerabilities – including one used in the devastating Equifax data breach – appeared …

Free download: Botnet and IoT Security Guide 2020

The Council to Secure the Digital Economy (CSDE), a partnership between global technology, communications, and internet companies supported by USTelecom—The Broadband …

monitoring javascript
VisibleV8: Stealthy open source tool for monitoring JavaScript in the wild

An open source tool that allows users to track and record the behavior of JavaScript programs without alerting the websites that run those programs has been developed at North …

hidden attacker
Attackers’ growing use of anti-analysis, evasion tactics pose a challenge to enterprises

Cybercriminals continue to look for new attack opportunities throughout the digital attack surface and are leveraging evasion as well as anti-analysis techniques as they …

Researchers develop new technique to identify malware in embedded systems

A technique for detecting types of malware that use a system’s architecture to thwart traditional security measures has been developed by researchers from North Carolina …

Cybercriminals are becoming more methodical and adaptive

Cybercriminals are deviating towards a more focused approach against targets by using better obfuscation techniques and improved social engineering skills as organizations …

Researchers unveil February 2019’s most wanted malware

Coinhive has once again led Check Point’s Global Threat Index for the 15th consecutive month, despite the announcement that its services have been shut down from March …

Mining malware evades agent-based cloud security solutions

Cloud infrastructures are a growing target for threat actors looking to mine cryptocurrency, as their vast computational power allows them to multiply the mining …

Endpoint security solutions challenged by zero-day and fileless attacks

There is an endpoint protection gap against modern threats, the result of a recent survey by the Ponemon Institute and Barkly have shown. The organizations polled 660 IT and …

Windows certificate
Underground vendors can reliably obtain code signing certificates from CAs

More and more malware authors are switching to buying new, valid code signing certificates issued by Certificate Authorities instead of using stolen (compromised) ones, …

Fooling security tools into believing malicious code was signed by Apple

The way developers of third-party security tools use the Apple code signing API could be exploited by attackers to make malicious code linger undetected on Macs, a security …

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