malware analysis

Hacking tools in Vault 7 data dump linked to prolific cyber espionage group
While security researchers and companies go through the collection of hacking tools contained in the data dump that the Shadow Brokers failed to sell, Symantec has tied …

Sushi or pizza? Mac or Windows threat?
Fortinet researchers have made an unusual find: a malicious Word file that is meant to target both OS X and Windows users. As has lately become the norm, when opened, the file …

Fileless attack framework was used in many recent attacks
In the last month or so, a number of security companies spotted attackers targeting a variety of organizations around the world with spear-phishing emails delivering …

EyePyramid clears the way for future malware attacks
Several weeks ago, the release of court documents revealed a long-standing cyber espionage campaign aimed at Italian politicians and businesspeople, law firms, state …

Cerber2 ransomware released, no decryption tool available
The author of the widely distributed Cerber ransomware has released a newer version, and files encrypted with Cerber2, unfortunately, can’t be decrypted without paying …

Author of potentially malicious OS X Pirrit adware discovered
An unnamed web developer working for Israeli marketing and advertising company TargetingEdge is the creator of the Pirrit adware targeting Mac machines, Cybereason security …

Pestudio: Initial malware assessment made simple
Malicious executables often attempt to hide their behavior and evade detection. By doing so, they present anomalies and suspicious patterns. Pestudio is a free tool that …
Vawtrak banking Trojan shifts to new targets
The Vawtrak banking Trojan (aka Snifula) is slowly but surely becoming a serious threat. With version 2, the malware has acquired the capability to target even more users, a …

ICS-focused IRONGATE malware has some interesting tricks up its sleeve
FireEye researchers discovered a malware family that’s obviously meant to target ICS systems, but found no evidence that it was ever used in the wild. They were unable …

DMA Locker ransomware ready for mass distribution
According to Malwarebytes’ researcher Hasherezade, we’re in for a lot of pain once the new and improved DMA Locker ransomware starts doing the rounds. Its first …

Google offers binary comparison tool BinDiff for free
In case you missed it, Google announced on Friday that BinDiff, a comparison tool for binary files, can now be downloaded for free. The tool is used to spot differences and …