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XAgentOSX Mac malware linked to Russian hacking group
Researchers have discovered and analyzed a new piece of Mac malware that is believed to be used by the Sofacy (aka Fancy Bear, aka Pawn Storm, aka APT28) hacking group. …

Apple releases security patches for everything, update today!
On Monday, Apple released its latest batch of security patches for macOS, Safari, iOS, watchOS, tvOS, iTunes and iCloud for Windows. The iTunes and iCloud for Windows updates …

Fruitfly: Unusual Mac backdoor used for tightly targeted attacks?
Researchers have found and analyzed a Mac backdoor that is unusual in many ways. The malware – detected as OSX.Backdoor.Quimitchin by Malwarebytes but dubbed Fruitfly by …

macOS Sierra released, introduces auto unlock with Apple Watch
Apple released macOS Sierra, now available as a free update. The new OS brings Siri to the Mac, along with all-new capabilities designed specifically for use on the desktop. …