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Five proven techniques for building effective fraud management

Effective management of fraud has long been a vital capability within organizations, and for good reasons. According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’ …

Shreekant Thakkar
The role of automation in staying on top of the evolving threat landscape

In this interview with Help Net Security, Dr Shreekant Thakkar, Chief Researcher, Secure Systems Research Centre at TII, talks about the ever evolving threat landscape and how …

Increasing number of investigations calls for advanced technology and dedicated teams

Compliance Week conducted a survey which shows the importance of both advanced technology and dedicated teams that can quickly deliver data insights to reduce time and cost …

building blocks
Asset management investment to focus on technology and data infrastructure

Investment in technology and data infrastructure sit at the top of asset managers’ priorities as they position themselves to deliver business growth in the recovery from the …

What is driving organizations to explore emerging technologies?

Engineering trust, accelerating growth and sculpting change are the three overarching trends on the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2021 that will drive …

IoT ML and AI services to reach $3.6 billion in 2026

The next wave of Internet of Things (IoT) analytics development will fully converge with the big data domain. Simultaneously, the value in the technology stack is shifting …

How to strike the balance between privacy and personalization in healthcare and beyond

The trade-off between widespread technology adoption and responsible use often lies on the spectrum of privacy. When it comes to technologies fueled by data, such as …

Move to all-flash object storage to occur within five years

Scality announced the results of a Vanson Bourne survey completed by IT decision makers across the UK, France and Germany. It revealed a fundamental shift in the industry …

IT decision-makers doubt current data architectures will meet future model inferencing requirements

As companies look to expand their use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to keep up with the demands of their customers, they are facing hurdles getting …

stock price
Middle East ICT market expected to reach $95.05 billion by 2025

With the emphasis on reducing dependency on the oil industry, several Middle Eastern countries are formulating strategies to boost the contribution of the Information and …

Secure AI is the foundation of trustworthy AI

AI-based recommendation systems are used in many online services we enjoy today, including search engines, online shopping sites, streaming services, and social media. …

The impact of current and emerging threats on the day-to-day lives of SecOps teams

More than half of IT and cybersecurity professionals noted ransomware or zero-day attacks as the biggest threats to their organization, according to a Deep Instinct survey. …

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