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Integrated cloud-native security platforms can overcome limitations of traditional security products

To close security gaps caused by rapidly changing digital ecosystems, organizations must adopt an integrated cloud-native security platform that incorporates artificial …

Legenstein and Maass
Researchers develop new learning algorithm to boost AI efficiency

The high energy consumption of artificial neural networks’ learning activities is one of the biggest hurdles for the broad use of AI, especially in mobile applications. …

Key cybersecurity industry challenges in the next five years

What key challenges will the cybersecurity industry be dealing with in the next five years? Pete Herzog, Managing Director at ISECOM, is so sure that artificial intelligence …

Does analyzing employee emails run afoul of the GDPR?

A desire to remain compliant with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other privacy laws has made HR leaders wary of any new technology that …

cloud money
OPTIMUSCLOUD: Cost and performance efficiency for cloud-hosted databases

A Purdue University data science and machine learning innovator wants to help organizations and users get the most for their money when it comes to cloud-based databases. Her …

Increased attacks and the power of a fully staffed cybersecurity team

The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving, and even more so during this time of disruption. According to ISACA’s survey, most respondents believe that their …

Jason Coder
A math formula could help 5G networks efficiently share communications frequencies

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a mathematical formula that, computer simulations suggest, could help 5G and other …

Open source algorithms for network graph analysis help discover patterns in data

StellarGraph has launched a series of new algorithms for network graph analysis to help discover patterns in data, work with larger data sets and speed up performance while …

Webroot AI ML
What is the impact of AI and ML tools on cybersecurity?

89% of IT professionals believe their company could be doing more to defend against cyberattacks, with 64% admitting they are not sure what AI/ML means – despite increased …

Researchers develop self-healing and self-concealing PUF for hardware security

A team of researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has developed a novel technique that allows Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) to produce more …

Threat detection and the evolution of AI-powered security solutions

Ashvin Kamaraju is a true industry leader. As CTO and VP of Engineering, he drives the technology strategy for Thales Cloud Protection & Licensing, leading a researchers …

AI efforts are maturing from prototype to production, but obstacles remain

More than half of enterprises are in the “mature” phase of AI adoption – defined by those currently using AI for analysis or in production – while about one third are …

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