Hackers leverage 1-day vulnerabilities to deliver custom Linux malware
A financially motivated threat actor is using known vulnerabilities to target public-facing services and deliver custom malware to unpatched Windows and Linux systems. Among …

FritzFrog botnet exploits Log4Shell, PwnKit vulnerabilities
The FritzFrog cryptomining botnet has new potential for growth: a recently analyzed variant of the bot is exploiting the Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228) and PwnKit (CVE-2021-4034) …

Tsurugi Linux: Tailoring user experience for digital forensics and OSINT investigations
Tsurugi Linux is a heavily customized open-source distribution focused on supporting DFIR investigations. The project focuses mainly on live forensics analysis, post-mortem …

AuthLogParser: Open-source tool for analyzing Linux authentication logs
AuthLogParser is an open-source tool tailored for digital forensics and incident response, specifically crafted to analyze Linux authentication logs (auth.log). The tool …

Kali Linux 2023.4 released: New tools, Kali for Raspberry Pi 5, and more!
OffSec (previously Offensive Security) has released Kali Linux 2023.4, the latest version of its penetration testing and digital forensics platform. New tools in Kali Linux …

Apache ActiveMQ bug exploited to deliver Kinsing malware
Attackers are exploiting a recently fixed vulnerability (CVE-2023-46604) in Apache ActiveMQ to install Kinsing malware and cryptocurrency miners on targeted Linux systems. …

Looney Tunables bug exploited for cryptojacking
Kinsing threat actors have been spotted exploiting the recently disclosed Looney Tunables (CVE-2023-4911) vulnerability to covertly install cryptomining software into …

BiBi-Linux wiper targets Israeli companies
Attackers have started using new wiper malware called BiBi-Linux to attack Israeli companies and destroy their data. The BiBi-Linux wiper The Security Joes Incident Response …

From Windows 9x to 11: Tracing Microsoft’s security evolution
Over its journey from Windows 9x to Windows 11, Microsoft has implemented multiple security overhauls, each addressing the challenges of its time and setting the stage for …

10 essential cybersecurity cheat sheets available for free
Cheat sheets are concise, to-the-point references tailored for instant insights. This article provides a curated list of 10 essential cybersecurity cheat sheets, all free to …

Curl project squashes high-severity bug in omnipresent libcurl library (CVE-2023-38545)
Curl v8.4.0 is out, and fixes – among other things – a high-severity SOCKS5 heap buffer overflow vulnerability (CVE-2023-38545). Appropriate patches for some older …

GNOME users at risk of RCE attack (CVE-2023-43641)
If you’re running GNOME on you Linux system(s), you are probably open to remote code execution attacks via a booby-trapped file, thanks to a memory corruption …