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Kali Linux
Kali Linux 2020.1 released: New tools, Kali NetHunter rootless, and more!

Offensive Security have released Kali Linux 2020.1, which is available for immediate download. Kali Linux 2020.1 key new features The popular open source project, which is …

Kali Linux
Kali Linux 2019.4 includes new undercover mode for pentesters doing work in public places

Offensive Security, maintainers of the popular Kali Linux open source project, released Kali Linux 2019.4, the latest iteration of the Kali Linux penetration testing platform. …

Guess what? You should patch Exim again!

Hot on the heels of a patch for a critical RCE Exim flaw comes another one that fixes a denial of service (DoS) condition (CVE-2019-16928) that could also be exploited by …

Critical Exim flaw opens servers to remote code execution, patch now!

The Exim mail transfer agent (MTA) is impacted by a critical vulnerability that may allow local or unauthenticated remote attackers to execute programs with root privileges on …

Kali Linux
Offensive Security unveils Kali Linux roadmap

Offensive Security unveiled much of the 2019-2020 roadmap for the open source Kali Linux project, the most popular operating system used by penetration testers and ethical …

SACK TCP flaws can crash, slow down Linux-based systems

An engineering manager at Netflix has unearthed several TCP networking vulnerabilities in Linux and FreeBSD kernels that could lead to systems crashing or consuming too many …

World target
Linux servers under attack via latest Exim flaw

It didn’t take long for attackers to start exploiting the recently revealed Exim vulnerability (CVE-2019-10149). Active campaigns One security enthusiast detected …

Microsoft Attack Surface Analyzer
Microsoft’s Attack Surface Analyzer now works on Macs and Linux, too

Microsoft has rewritten and open-sourced Attack Surface Analyzer (ASA), a security tool that points out potentially risky system changes introduced by the installation of new …

Software and apps running on RedHat Enterprise Linux to touch $10 trillion of business revenues this year

Software and applications running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux are expected to contribute to more than $10 trillion worth of global business revenues in 2019, powering roughly …

Mirai variant picks up new tricks, expands list of targeted devices

Mirai, the infamous malware that turns Linux-based IoT devices into remotely controlled bots, has been updated to target new devices and device types. Among these are LG …

Snapd flaw gives attackers root access on Linux systems

A vulnerability affecting Snapd – a package installed by default in Ubuntu and used by other Linux distributions such as Debian, OpenSUSE, Arch Linux, Fedora and Solus …

RunC container escape flaw enables root access to host system

A serious vulnerability in runC, a widely used CLI tool for spawning and running containers, could be exploited to compromise the runC host binary from inside a privileged …

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