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Security leaders more concerned about legal settlements than regulatory fines

An overwhelming 90% of security leaders are concerned about group legal settlements following a serious data breach, compared to 85% who are worried about regulatory fines, …

48 recommendations for a global fight against ransomware

The Institute for Security and Technology’s Ransomware Task Force (RTF) has released a comprehensive strategic framework to help worldwide organizations fight against …

Big Tech will try to pre-empt harsh privacy laws by writing their own

Over the past decade, the firms that make up the so-called Big Tech have captured enough of the global economy to resemble industrial cartels from a bygone era. Amazon, Apple, …

Privacy and security practices are essential for post-pandemic recovery

Cisco published a study which found enhanced importance of privacy protections during the pandemic and increasing benefits for businesses that adopt strong privacy measures. …

The state of corporate legal departments and the role of the Chief Legal Officer

The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) and Exterro survey shows the ever-increasing role of Chief Legal Officers (CLOs) as key business partners. In addition, respondents …

Internet regulation: Not a matter of freedom of speech, but freedom to conduct business

Since 1997 (Reno vs. American Civil Liberties Union), the Supreme Court has used the metaphor of the free market of ideas to define the internet, thus addressing the …

USA flag
It’s time for a national privacy law in the US

Consumer data privacy is no longer a necessary evil but a competitive differentiator for any company participating in the global economy. The EU’s GDPR represents the world’s …

35% of organizations believe the NIS Directive expectations are unclear

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) released a report on information security spending for network and information services (NIS) under the NIS Directive, the …

CPRA hints at the future of cybersecurity and privacy

One of the most notable ballot propositions impacting the privacy and cybersecurity world during the US 2020 election was the passage of the California Privacy Rights Act …

Digital thought clones manipulate real-time online behavior

In The Social Dilemma, the Netflix documentary that has been in the news recently for its radical revelations, former executives at major technology companies like Facebook, …

Technologies that enable legal and compliance leaders to spot innovations

COVID-19 has accelerated the push toward digital business transformation for most businesses, and legal and compliance leaders are under pressure to anticipate both the …

Progress in implementing ethical and trusted AI-enabled systems still inconsistent

COVID-19 has put a spotlight on ethical issues emerging from the increased use of AI applications and the potential for bias and discrimination. A report from the Capgemini …

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