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DevOps and digital transformation initiatives are creating insecure apps

WhiteHat Security released its 2018 Application Security Statistics Report, “The Evolution of the Secure Software Lifecycle,” which identifies the security vulnerabilities and …

Modern application architectures create vast business benefits

Adopting a modern application architecture is critical to business success and a significant driver of profit growth in today’s digital economy, according to the results of a …

vintage computer
IT chiefs keep obsolete systems running just to keep data accessible

89 per cent of IT decision makers in UK enterprises admit they are keeping old or legacy applications alive just to keep the historical data accessible, according to a new …

How to close the security update gap

Security patching is hard and patch fatigue is real. So what can be done to make the process more simple, less disruptive, and more likely to be performed in a timely manner? …

880,000 payment cards, user info hit in Orbitz data breach

Expedia subsidiary Orbitz has revealed that a legacy Orbitz travel booking platform had been compromised and personal user information and payment card data might have been …

Threat prevention for protecting production environments

Capsule8 launched the beta version of Capsule8 Protect, a threat prevention and response platform purpose-built for cloud-native environments. Organizations are rapidly …

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