legacy technology

Most enterprises hit cloud migration problems, still run apps on legacy operating systems
More than nine out of 10 of US enterprises in the Dow Jones, Fortune 250 and 500, and S&P 100 have run into cloud migration problems when it comes to moving legacy …

Enterprises adopt edge workloads, yet still use unsuitable legacy storage solutions
By 2025 organizations will churn out 175 zetta-bytes of data, IDC predicts. However bottlenecks and compute problems continue to plague IT pros as they struggle to support …

Flaw in Iomega, LenovoEMC NAS devices exposes millions of files on the Internet
A vulnerability in legacy Iomega and LenovoEMC network-attached storage (NAS) devices has led to many terabytes of potentially sensitive data being accessible to anyone via …

Most SMB devices run Windows versions that are expired or will expire by January 2020
There is a steady increase in attacks and changes in attack methods that target weaknesses in encryption, workload configuration, limited visibility into vulnerabilities and …

What is and what is not working for security operations teams in securing cloud data
Security professionals continue to face a number of major challenges as more organizations move legacy IT operations to cloud infrastructure and applications, and traditional …

How to diminish the great threat of legacy apps
The Equifax breach underscored the risk posed by unpatched software applications. As a refresher, 146 million customer records were exposed after a known vulnerability in …

Analysis of device data shines a light on cybersecurity risks in healthcare
The convergence of IT, IoT and OT makes it more difficult for the healthcare industry to manage a wide array of hard-to-control network security risks. IoT and OT devices are …

Legacy infrastructures and unmanaged devices top security risks in the healthcare industry
The proliferation of healthcare IoT devices, along with unpartitioned networks, insufficient access controls and the reliance on legacy systems, has exposed a vulnerable …

Attackers are exploiting IMAP to bypass MFA on Office 365, G Suite accounts
Where possible, and especially for important accounts such as Office 365 and G Suite accounts, the prevailing advice for users is to enable two-factor authentication. …

Organizations are seeing integration challenges hinder digital transformation initiatives
While 97 percent of organizations are currently undertaking or planning to undertake digital transformation initiatives, integration challenges are hindering efforts for 84 …

IT and security professionals unprepared for Windows 7 end of life
An Avecto survey of over 500 individuals from Europe, the United Arab Emirates and the United States revealed that, while some organisations have already migrated to Windows …

Legacy government networks stifle cloud migration
67 percent of government agencies’ legacy network infrastructures are simply not prepared to handle the cloud migration lift or keep pace with the changing demands of cloud …