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virtual reality
The IoT blame game

The first Friday the thirteenth of any year is officially “Blame Someone Else Day.” What a delightful thought – that all the failures, inconsistencies, and …

Surprise! Most IoT products have inadequate security

While the IoT era of products brings innumerable advances and modern conveniences to the lives of consumers, the connected nature of these products creates unintentional ports …

IoT security testing and certification program

To help companies mitigate risks associated with an increasingly connected world, ICSA Labs, an independent division of Verizon, is rolling out a new security testing program …

Internet of Fail
Internet of Fail: How modern devices expose our lives

Should you sync your family’s calendar to your refrigerator or have it display photos? Samsung believes you should. They also think you need cameras that display the …

virtual reality
IoT and virtual reality: What’s next?

Smart doorbells, clever fridges, talking TVs, intelligent manufacturing, self-driving cars – all pretty cool. The IoT, in fact, is chock full of potentially very cool …

smartthings hub
Samsung’s smart home platform flaws let attackers fiddle with your doors

Researchers have managed to exploit design flaws in the Samsung SmartThings smart home programming platform and successfully mount a series of attacks that could result in …

DDoS aggression and the evolution of IoT risks

Few organizations globally are being spared DDoS attacks, according to a Neustar survey of over 1,000 IT professionals across six continents. With the bombardment fairly …

Review: The Car Hacker’s Handbook

About the author Craig Smith runs Theia Labs, a research firm that focuses on security auditing and building hardware and software prototypes. He is also a founder of the …

Worldwide IoT security spending on the rise

Worldwide spending on Internet of Things security will reach $348 million in 2016, a 23.7 percent increase from 2015 spending of $281.5 million, according to Gartner. …

A password for your eyewear computer: The sound of your skull

Could the unique frequency response your skull makes when hit with an ultrasonic signal be a good way for authenticating yourself to an eyewear computer (e.g. Google Glass, or …

Hacking and manipulating traffic sensors

With the advent of the Internet of Things, we’re lucky to have researchers looking into these devices and pointing out the need for securing them better. One of these …

Cybercriminals are adopting corporate best practices

Cybercriminals are adopting corporate best practices and establishing professional businesses in order to increase the efficiency of their attacks against enterprises and …

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