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Fresh Bluetooth Developer Toolkit line tackles IoT security, interoperability

The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) released several updates to its developer toolkit line-up, which enables developers to build smarter when creating things like …

Cloud going mainstream, few are maximizing value

While cloud adoption continues to accelerate, few organizations are maximizing the value that cloud can offer, according to IDC. The increased cloud adoption is being fueled …

Connected devices riddled with badly-coded APIs, poor encryption

The advent of home automation and rapid rise of smart home connected devices is seeing some vendors and new startups scramble to become a part of the movement, with ABI …

IoT Village
IoT Village uncovers 47 security vulnerabilities across 23 devices

New dangers in both home security and municipal power facilities were revealed as the results of the 2nd Annual IoT Village, held at DEF CON 24 in Las Vegas. More than 47 new …

68% of organizations don’t have an IoT test strategy

Capgemini and HPE examined the state of application quality and testing practices across multiple industries and 32 countries. They discovered that, despite 85% claiming that …

Organization must modify the network access policy to address IoT devices

By 2020, 21 billion of Internet of Things (IoT) devices will be in use worldwide. Of these, close to 6 percent will be in use for industrial IoT applications. However, IT …

Are all IoT vulnerabilities easily avoidable?

Every vulnerability or privacy issue reported for consumer connected home and wearable technology products since November 2015 could have been easily avoided, according to the …

Mirai Linux Trojan corrals IoT devices into DDoS botnets

Mirai, a newly discovered and still poorly detected piece of Linux malware, is being used to rope IoT devices into DDoS botnets. Researchers from MalwareMustDie have recently …

How a security researcher is tackling IoT security testing

“A common misconception people in the industry have regarding my work as a security researcher is that I am sharing information that puts businesses at risk. And also, …

Vulnerabilities found in cars connected to smartphones

Many of today’s automobiles leave the factory with secret passengers: prototype software features that are disabled but that can be unlocked by clever drivers. In what …

How to choose a perfect data control solution for your enterprise

Not long ago, people used to come to work and work off of a desktop computer, tied to the network. Today, they work on their mobile devices, physically untethered to it. In …

Hacking smart cities: Dangerous connections

Once just a curiosity for technology enthusiasts, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become mainstream. In fact, the IoT security market is estimated to grow from USD 7.90 …

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