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Guidance for connected vehicle security: Attack vectors and impacts

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) released its first ever research and guidance report on connected vehicle security. Authored by the CSA’s Internet of Things (IoT) …

Despite tremendous growth, most IoT projects fail

60 percent of IoT initiatives stall at the Proof of Concept (PoC) stage and only 26 percent of companies have had an IoT initiative that they considered a complete success. …

ENISA Cyber Europe
Cybersecurity: Industry concerns and suggestions for policy makers

The EU Agency for Network and Information security – ENISA – together with industry recently reached a common position on cybersecurity, that reflects the concerns of industry …

smart home
The privacy threat of IoT device traffic rate metadata

Even though many IoT devices for smart homes encrypt their traffic, a passive network observer – e.g. an ISP, or a neighborhood WiFi eavesdropper – can infer …

WannaCry and IoT: Vendors react

Among the organizations most gravely affected by the WannaCry ransomware was the UK National Health Service. According to The Sunday Times, 48 NHS organisations were hit, …

Ready, set, race to the IoT hub

Battle lines are being drawn. Armies are being marshaled. Territory is being eyed and strategies drawn up with military precision. But this war is about to be fought in your …

Three cybersecurity threat trends that organizations should address today

The cybersecurity landscape grows seemingly more complex – and dangerous – by the day: Hackers and other bad actors unleash increasingly intricate and formidable attacks, on …

smart hospitals, healthcare
How to securely deploy medical devices within a healthcare facility

The risks insecure medical devices pose to patient safety are no longer just theoretical, and compromised electronic health records may haunt patients forever. A surgical …

BrickerBot bricked 2 million IoT devices, its author claims

The author of BrickerBot, which “bricks” IoT devices by rewriting the flash storage space and wiping files, has emerged to explain that the malware first attempts …

IoT security
Hajime IoT worm infects devices to head off Mirai

Mirai is the name of the worm that has taken control of many IoT devices around the world and used them to mount DDoS attacks, the most high-profile of which was directed …

Bracing for the Denial of Things

Turn out the lights in any major city in the developed world, and you know what? It’s not really all that dark. Unless you’ve managed to lock yourself in a broom closet (I …

IoT connection
IoT devices under attack: Amnesia hijacks, BrickerBot destroys

Every hour of every day, computer systems and IoT devices are under attack by bots trying to recruit them into growing botnets. Security researchers have recently highlighted …

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Cybersecurity news