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virtual reality
Hacking virtual and augmented reality: Short-term FUD, long-term danger

I believe virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are on the cusp of mass success, and will dramatically change the way we use technology. However, with new technology …

Patients with St. Jude pacemakers called in for firmware update

Patients using one of several types of implantable radio frequency-enabled pacemakers manufactured by St. Jude Medical will have to visit their healthcare provider to receive …

Securing the Internet of Things
Review: Securing the Internet of Things

About the authors Shancang Li is a senior lecturer in the cyber security research unit, Department of Computer Science and Creative Technologies at University of the West of …

IoT world
US, China and the UK are top regions affected by IoT security threats

In the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem today, cyberattacks are becoming more diverse and sophisticated with cybercriminals taking over home network routers to launch …

Medical devices and the Internet of Things: Defending against cyber threats

More than one-third (35.6 percent) of surveyed professionals in the Internet of Things-connected medical device ecosystem say their organizations have experienced a …

Who is better prepared for IoT-related attacks, SMEs or large organizations?

Small and midsized organizations (SMEs) are taking more steps to protect themselves from security risks associated with the Internet of Things (IoT) than large businesses, …

US senators introduce bill to improve IoT security, protect researchers probing it

US Senators Mark Warner (D-VA), Cory Gardner (R-CO), Ron Wyden (D-WA) and Steve Daines (R-MT) introduced bipartisan legislation to improve the cybersecurity of …

How enterprise IT security conversations have changed

Deutsche Telecom is one of the world’s largest telecom companies, and its corporate IT and cyber security arm T-Systems is one of the largest European IT services …

Hackers can turn Amazon Echo into a covert listening device

New research released by MWR InfoSecurity reveals how attackers can compromise the Amazon Echo and turn it into a covert listening device, without affecting its overall …

Digital transformation and IoT to drive investment in IT operations management

The growth of digital business and the Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to drive large investment in IT operations management (ITOM) through 2020, according to Gartner. A …

car wash
Hackable smart car wash systems can hurt people

Two years after researchers Billi Rios and Terry McCorkle first flagged serious vulnerabilities in automatic, smart car wash systems by US manufacturer PDQ, the company is …

hidden attacker
An Internet-connected fish tank let hackers into a casino’s network

A high-tech, internet-connected fish tank in a North American casino has been used to exfiltrate data from the company’s network. Smart drawing pads used in an …

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