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What steps should agencies take to better prepare for a multi-cloud future?

Agencies do not feel prepared to manage current multi-cloud environments. While most Federal IT decision makers say their agency already uses multiple cloud platforms (81 …

5G IoT security: Opportunity comes with risks

Slowly but surely, 5G digital cellular networks are being set up around the world. It will take years for widespread coverage and use to be achieved, so what better time than …

Free download: Botnet and IoT Security Guide 2020

The Council to Secure the Digital Economy (CSDE), a partnership between global technology, communications, and internet companies supported by USTelecom—The Broadband …

IoT connection
Create secure IoT products: Enable security by design

Good practices for IoT security, with a particular focus on software development guidelines for secure IoT products and services throughout their lifetime have been introduced …

California IoT security law: What it means and why it matters

In September, California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law a new bill aimed at regulating the security of IoT devices, and it’s set to go into effect in a few short months …

Disruptive technology predictions: 2020 will see the creation of completely connected environments

Mainstream adoption of disruptive technologies in 2020 will finally see data, automation and IoT technologies come together to create connected cities and societies, NTT …

IoT security
Only 47% of cybersecurity pros are prepared to deal with attacks on their IoT devices

Fewer than half (47%) of cybersecurity professionals have a plan in place to deal with attacks on their IoT devices and equipment, despite that fact that nine out of ten …

mountain connect
IoT is an ecosystem, as secure as its weakest link

Remember when, three years ago, several Mirai botnets hit DNS provider Dyn and caused part of the Internet to be unreachable for most users in North America and Europe? For a …

Together, AI and the IoT are having a bigger-than-expected impact

A survey of global business leaders reveals the most significant predictor in realizing value from Internet of Things (IoT) initiatives across an organization is the heavy use …

IT teams are embracing intent-based networking, investing in AI technologies

The network is vital to today’s digital business. Whether maximizing employee productivity, optimizing customer experience or keeping data protected and secure, the network is …

Most decision makers expect AI and 5G to impact their cybersecurity strategy

An overwhelming majority of cybersecurity and risk management leaders believe that developments in 5G wireless technology will create cybersecurity challenges for their …

New protocol extends Wi-Fi range, can be used with existing hardware

A protocol that significantly extends the distance a Wi-Fi-enabled device can send and receive signals has been created by a group of researchers led by a Brigham Young …

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