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Microsoft patches IE, Office and Windows

For Patch Tuesday this month, we are receiving critical updates from both Microsoft and Adobe. Microsoft has five bulletins, bringing the six-month total up to 51 bulletins, …

Microsoft to release five bulletins next week

Microsoft released advance notification for next week’s Microsoft patch and it looks like we’re getting only five bulletins. We received several comments on what …

Microsoft fixes 33 vulnerabilities

Today for Patch Tuesday, Microsoft and Adobe are both coming out with critical fixes for a number of widely installed and attacked programs. Microsoft has 10 bulletins …

Internet Explorer best at blocking malware

NSS Labs released the results and analysis from its web browser security comparative evaluating the protection offered by five browsers – Safari 5, Chrome 25/26, …

Microsoft to release 10 bulletins

It is the week before Patch Tuesday May and Microsoft has published its Advance Notification, giving us insight into what to expect next Tuesday. There will be 10 bulletins …

Microsoft releases Fix it for critical IE8 0-day

Microsoft has released a one-click Fix it for mitigating the effect of the IE 8 zero-day vulnerability that is being used in watering hole attacks in the wild. Given that a …

IE8 0-day used in watering hole attacks

Last week a U.S. Department of Labor website was discovered to be redirecting users to sites serving a hard-to-detect variant Poison Ivy backdoor Trojan. Researchers are now …

Microsoft to release 9 advisories on Tuesday

April 2013 advance notice is out and it forecasts an interesting patching session for Microsoft administrators. There are 9 advisories affecting 16 distinct platforms in 5 …

Pwn2Own: IE, Firefox, Chrome and Java go down

The Pwn2Own competition is underway at the CanSecWest conference in Vancouver, and during the first day of competition Java, IE 10, Firefox and Chrome were successfully …

Microsoft releases 12 bulletins that address 57 vulnerabilities

The second Patch Tuesday of 2013 has a much higher volume than usual. There are 12 bulletins, five of which are critical, addressing a total of 57 vulnerabilities. But the …

Watering hole campaign targeting “Reporters without Borders” visitors

Watering hole attacks continue unabated and, according to Avast’s Director of Threat Intelligence Jindrich Kubec, the finger could be safely pointed to China once again. …

Microsoft patches critical IE 0-day used in watering hole attacks

Microsoft has released an out-of-band patch for the Internet Explorer 0-day recently discovered to have been misused in a series of targeted watering hole attacks linked to …

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