Information Security Forum

The quantum dilemma: Game-changer or game-ender
If someone told you five years ago that you could pose questions to an AI agent about the most vexing issues in science and it could answer back swiftly and meaningfully, you …

Strategies for security leaders: Building a positive cybersecurity culture
Culture is a catalyst for security success. It can significantly reduce cybersecurity risks and boost cybersecurity resilience of any organization. Culture can also greatly …

Urgently needed: AI governance in cyber warfare
Artificial intelligence is quickly becoming central to societal growth. AI has great power to improve daily life, from education to healthcare, from sustainability to defense. …

How to design and deliver an effective cybersecurity exercise
Armed forces have always utilized war-gaming exercises for battlefield training to prepare for times of conflict. With today’s digital transformation, the same concept is …

Why data, AI, and regulations top the threat list for 2024
The new year finds us confronted by a landscape characterized by political uncertainty, social fragmentation, escalating geopolitical tensions, and a turbulent macro-economic …

Why organizations should adopt a cloud cybersecurity framework
The cloud is the future of enterprise architecture. It’s economical (to a degree), it’s scalable, it’s flexible and – best of all – it’s someone else’s …