Infineon Technologies

Vulnerability allows Yubico security keys to be cloned
Researchers have unearthed a cryptographic vulnerability in popular Yubico (FIDO) hardware security keys and modules that may allow attackers to clone the devices. But the …

U.S. Cyber Trust Mark labeling program raises the bar for smart devices’ cybersecurity
The Biden-Harris Administration has announced a cybersecurity certification and labeling program to help Americans more easily choose smart devices that are safer and less …
Infineon and Fingerprint Cards partner to enable mass deployment of biometric payment cards
Biometric payment cards with an integrated fingerprint sensor make contactless payments more convenient, more secure and hygienic. The contactless card remains in the hands of …
Infineon adds Semper Secure to its Semper NOR Flash memory platform
With the acquisition of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, Infineon Technologies enhances its expertise in memory solutions. Infineon announced the addition of Semper Secure …
Sectigo and Infineon integrate to advance IoT security with automated certificate provisioning
Sectigo, a leading provider of automated digital identity management and web security solutions, announced a partnership with Infineon Technologies AG to provide automated …

First post-quantum cryptography on a contactless security chip
Due to their computing power, quantum computers have the disruptive potential to break various currently used encryption algorithms. Infineon Technologies has successfully …