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Healthcare IT pros believe data is safer in the cloud

Healthcare IT professionals and executives believe overwhelmingly that when facing hardware malfunctions and environmental disasters, their organization’s data is safer …

The devastating impact of healthcare data breaches

One in four U.S. consumers have had their personal medical information stolen from technology systems, according to Accenture. The findings show that half of those who …

Is healthcare industry’s security spending focused on the wrong technologies?

Global healthcare IT professionals are confronting a rapidly changing, challenging landscape, with 66% experiencing a data breach and 88% feeling vulnerable as a result. In …

patching cloud
25% of healthcare organizations using public cloud do not encrypt data

A HyTrust survey of 51 healthcare and biotech organizations found that 25 percent of those organizations using the public cloud do not encrypt their data. The survey also …

In 2017, the digital will get physical when machines start to lie

In a memorable scene from a 2014 episode of the series Homeland, the Vice President is murdered by hackers who tamper with his pacemaker. Despite this plot idea reportedly …

FDA urges patients to implement patch to secure their cardiac implants

Patients who have been implanted with pacemakers and defibrillators manufactured by US-based St. Jude Medical are urged to make sure that their Merlin@home Transmitter unit is …

Healthcare IT professionals are overconfident

A Dimensional Research study evaluated the confidence of IT professionals regarding the efficacy of seven key security controls, which must be in place to quickly detect a …

Insecure pacemakers can be easily hacked

A group of researchers has discovered that it’s not that difficult for a “weak adversary” with limited resources and capabilities to fiddle with or even shut …

smart hospitals, healthcare
Protecting smart hospitals: A few recommendations

The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) has released a new report to help IT and security officers of healthcare organizations implement IoT …

Services disrupted at three UK hospitals due to virus attack

Computer systems of the Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust have been hit by a “virus”, and the HNS Trust reacted by shutting down the majority of …

Healthcare industry lacks basic security awareness among staff

SecurityScorecard released a comprehensive analysis exposing cybersecurity vulnerabilities across 700 healthcare organizations including medical treatment facilities, health …

Stolen medical records available for sale from $0.03 per record

The development of the market for stolen data and related hacking skills indicate that the business of cybercrime in the healthcare sector is growing, according to Intel …

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