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FDA plans to improve medical device cybersecurity

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plans to tackle security issues related to medical devices and has released a plan of action it means to implement in the near …

Researchers propose scheme to secure brain implants

A group of researchers from KU Leuven, Belgium, have proposed a practical security scheme that would allow secure communications between a widely used implantable …

How to minimize healthcare supply chain threats

There are many reasons why healthcare institutions have poor cybersecurity: most resources go towards providing patient care and not enough is left for cybersecurity; not all …

Most healthcare pros believe their organizations adequately protect patient data

Most of the healthcare professionals polled remain confident regarding their own organization’s cyber security protocols despite apprehensions connected with their own …

Healthcare industry: Attacks outpacing investments in personnel, education and resources

Recognizing that healthcare organizations are facing constant cyber attacks, the 2018 Impact of Cyber Insecurity on Healthcare Organizations study examines the myriad of …

Researchers explore real-world deployment of connected medical devices

ZingBox researchers detected, identified and analyzed the behavior of medical devices deployed in more than 50 hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare locations. Researchers …

Most healthcare breaches still come from hacking

In 2017 the number of individuals affected by breaches within the healthcare sector reached a four-year low. However, 71 percentof breaches in 2017 were due to hacking and IT …

Phillips clinical imaging solution plagued by vulnerabilities

Phillips is developing a software update to mitigate 35 CVE-numbered vulnerabilities in the Philips IntelliSpace Portal (ISP), a clinical imaging visualization and analysis …

What types of hospitals experience data breaches?

An estimated 16 million patient records were stolen in the United States in 2016, and last summer the British health system was crippled by a ransomware attack. While we know …

99 percent of domains are not protected by DMARC

Essentially every global domain is vulnerable to phishing and domain name spoofing. A new report incorporates data from Agari, revealing that 90 percent of its customers have …

Norwegian health authority hacked, patient data of nearly 3 million citizens possibly compromised

Hackers have breached the systems of the Southern and Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Sør-Øst RHF), and possibly made off with personal information and health …

healthcare ransomware
US hospital paid $55,000 ransom to hackers despite having backups

A US hospital has decided to pay a ransom of 4 bitcoin to regain access to some 1,400 files locked by attackers. Hancock Health, a regional hospital based in Greenfield, …

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