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Western Digital MyCloud NAS
Western Digital My Cloud NAS devices wide open to attackers

Western Digital My Cloud NAS devices have again been found wanting in the security department, as two set of researchers have revealed a number of serious flaws in the …

Multiple security flaws found in mainstream robotic technologies

IOActive exposed numerous vulnerabilities found in multiple home, business, and industrial robots available on the market today. The array of vulnerabilities identified in the …

Millions of smart devices in Spain are vulnerable to attack

Avast revealed the findings of its research experiment into smart devices, including public and private webcam vulnerabilities in Spain, and, specifically, in Barcelona. Avast …

Researchers bypass ASLR protection with simple JavaScript code

A group of researchers from the Systems and Network Security Group at VU Amsterdam have discovered a way to bypass address space layout randomization (ASLR) protections of …

SSD security challenges: Which data sanitization methods are effective?

In recent years, a growing number of data breaches have resulted from the improper data removal and insecure storage of drives. Organizations face a myriad of internal and …

Organizations to gradually replace physical access cards with smartphones

In 2016, less than 5 percent of organizations used smartphones to enable access to offices and other premises. By 2020, Gartner said that 20 percent of organizations will use …

New infosec products of the week​: January 13, 2017

Denim Group enhances ThreadFix platform Denim Group, a leading independent application security firm, today announced the latest version of ThreadFix, the company’s …

FDA urges patients to implement patch to secure their cardiac implants

Patients who have been implanted with pacemakers and defibrillators manufactured by US-based St. Jude Medical are urged to make sure that their Merlin@home Transmitter unit is …

Wi-Fi risks: Delivering a secure hotspot

The fact that Wi-Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity hints at how long Wi-Fi has been around, but it was only in 1999 that the Wi-Fi Alliance formed as a trade association to hold …

Netgear R8000
Netgear pushes out beta firmware for vulnerable router models

Netgear has confirmed that eight of its router models are vulnerable to device hijacking due to a vulnerability that can be easily exploited by remote, unauthenticated …

Netgear R700
Critical flaw opens Netgear routers to hijacking

Several Netgear router models can be easily hijacked by remote, unauthenticated attackers, CERT/CC has warned on Friday. The vulnerability that allows this takeover can be …

Nintendo offers up to $20,000 for bug info

Video game giant Nintendo has set up a bug bounty program through HackerOne’s platform, and is asking researchers to find and flag vulnerabilities in the Nintendo 3DS …

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