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Outdated policies stop hackers from aiding the US government

US government agencies and departments are bemoaning the lack of cybersecurity experts willing to work for the government, and that’s been going on for a quite a while …

Scam e-mails can now be forwarded to the police

Action Fraud – the UK’s national fraud reporting centre run by the governmental National Fraud Authority – has recently set up a dedicated e-mail address to …

Libya practically offline, still working

As Libya descends into a vortex of protests and violent retaliations for the same – courtesy of the country’s long-lived president Muammar al-Gaddafi – the …

Canadian government networks breached by Chinese hackers?

When it comes to covert cyber attacks on government networks, it somehow seems that they can always be traced back to servers in China. It is always acknowledged that that …

EFF exposes extensive FBI violations

In 2009, the Electronic Frontier Foundation filed a suit against a number of federal agencies that deal with intelligence gathering, requesting that they release documents and …

Protesters organize via social networks, governments move to block them

The wave of nation-wide protests that ended in the Tunisian president Ben Ali’s run to Saudi Arabia was at least in part made possible by the organizers’ use of …

Man tries to work for CIA in order to spy for China

Glenn Duffie Shriver from Michigan was sentenced to 48 months in prison for conspiring to provide national defense information to intelligence officers of the People’s …

Major government websites hacked with access for sale

Researchers from Imperva’s Hacker Intelligence Initiative (HII) have found dozens of .mil, .gov and .edu web sites which have been hacked with access up for sale due to …

Former TSA employee sentenced for hacking agency’s databases

A former TSA worker has been found guilty and has been sentenced to two years in prison and a $60,587.07 fine to be payed to the TSA. He was accused of tampering with the …

NSA building one million square-foot data center

The National Security Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers broke ground on a $1.2 billion data center at Camp W.G. Williams National Guard Post. The massive, one …

Most federal employees take IT security seriously

Most Federal employees go beyond baseline IT security requirements, according to a new survey by the Government Business Council. While 97 percent of Federal employees are …

OpenBSD headman believes contractor tried to insert backdoors

Following last week’s accusation by a former government contractor that the FBI has implemented backdoors into the encryption software used by OpenBSD, Theo de Raadt, …

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