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Former TSA employee sentenced for hacking agency’s databases

A former TSA worker has been found guilty and has been sentenced to two years in prison and a $60,587.07 fine to be payed to the TSA. He was accused of tampering with the …

NSA building one million square-foot data center

The National Security Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers broke ground on a $1.2 billion data center at Camp W.G. Williams National Guard Post. The massive, one …

Most federal employees take IT security seriously

Most Federal employees go beyond baseline IT security requirements, according to a new survey by the Government Business Council. While 97 percent of Federal employees are …

OpenBSD headman believes contractor tried to insert backdoors

Following last week’s accusation by a former government contractor that the FBI has implemented backdoors into the encryption software used by OpenBSD, Theo de Raadt, …

NSA considers its networks compromised

Debora Plunkett, head of the NSA’s Information Assurance Directorate, has confirmed what many security experts suspected to be true: no computer network can be …

Assange denied bail, WikiLeaks issues next batch of cables

Following his arrest yesterday, Julian Assange has been taken to hearing at City of Westminster magistrates court, where details of the charges laid against him have been …

Government seizes 82 website domains

Seizure orders have been executed against 82 domain names of commercial websites engaged in the illegal sale and distribution of counterfeit goods and copyrighted works as …

EU investigates Google antitrust violations

The European Commission has decided to open an antitrust investigation into allegations that Google has abused a dominant position in online search, in violation of European …

Student pleads guilty to helping organize Anonymous DDoS attacks

Steve Slayo, a 19-year old Australian student, has pleaded guilty to having organized a DDoS attack targeting – among others – the websites of the Australian Prime …

Malaysian hacker breached Federal Reserve and DoD contractor networks

When agents arrested Malasyian Lin Mun Poo on account of selling US$1,000 worth of stolen credit card numbers just hours after he arrived in the U.S., they probably …

Will the DHS receive authority over private sector networks?

A bill that would give the U.S. Department of Homeland Security the power to impose federal cybersecurity standards on private sector companies whose flawless functioning is …

Whitehat hacker’s laptop, cellphones seized and searched

The well-known whitehat hacker and security researcher that goes by the handle Moxie Marlinspike has recently experienced firsthand the electronical device search that …

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