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LulzSec leaks classified Arizona law enforcement documents

“We are releasing hundreds of private intelligence bulletins, training manuals, personal email correspondence, names, phone numbers, addresses and passwords belonging to …

Will we finally see a federal data breach notification law?

Embarrassing losses of personal data, whether due to intrusions into computer networks or sheer carelessness, seemingly are weekly news fodder. The recent PlayStation data …

National US data security breach notification law on the horizon?

Californian Representative Mary Bono Mack has jumpstarted the latest quest for a national data security breach notification law and is currently working on its draft. Spurred …

Cybersecurity, innovation and the Internet economy

The U.S. Department of Commerce today released a report that proposes voluntary codes of conduct to strengthen the cybersecurity of companies that increasingly rely on the …

25 percent of US hackers are FBI informants

Anyone who has read Kingpin won’t be much surprised by the estimate recently made by Eric Corley, publisher of 2600: The Hacker Quarterly, who said that some 25 percent …

Google disrupts phishing attack against government officials, political activists

An attack apparently coming from Jinan – the capital of China’s Shandong province – against personal Gmail accounts belonging to hundreds of users has been …

US will consider cyber attacks as acts of war

The US is finally working on a formal strategy on how to deal with cyber attacks against its networks, systems or infrastructure, and so far it seems it is one that will …

Iran aims to exchange the global Internet for a national one

The Iran government is increasingly unsatisfied with the influence the Internet is exercising on the country’s citizens despite its censorship efforts and is planning on …

1.5 billion smart credentials to ship

The increasing use of smart cards and biometric capture has changed the way government and healthcare citizen ID documentation is viewed, managed and deployed. Many …

Journalist arrested for article on Facebook privacy flaw

Australian journalist Ben Grubb was arrested yesterday following the publication of an article he wrote about a demonstration of how to access Facebook photos even if they are …

Obama administration reveals cybersecurity plan

The Obama administration has issued a new legislative proposal that contains a number of steps it thinks critical to improving cybersecurity for U.S. citizens, the …

FBI decimates Coreflood botnet, hints at unprecedented actions

Some two weeks have passed since the U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI have been granted by the federal court the permission to substitute the C&C servers of the …

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