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Will the new EU privacy legislation secure Europe’s digital economy?

At the start of 2012, the European Commission announced it is to undertake a comprehensive review of the EU’s 1995 data protection rules. Its aim is to strengthen online …

Panasonic delivers secure video evidence capture

Panasonic introduced its Wearable Video Camera system. The new solution, designed for law enforcement officers in the field, will provide agencies with a comprehensive system …

Mistakes that led to the massive Utah data breach

A little over a month ago, the largest data breach in Utah history resulted in the compromise of Social Security numbers of some 280,000 Medicaid and Children’s Health …

FBI wants social networks and IM services to be wiretap-friendly

Worried that technology advances will leave its agents incapable of conducting surveillance of online communications of potential criminals, the FBI is quietly lobbying top …

US House of Representatives passes CISPA

In a move that took the opponents of the proposed Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) by surprise, the US House of Representatives has voted on the bill a …

Hacktivist group confirms arrest of its leader

One of the two teenagers arrested late last week in the UK has been charged with one count of conspiracy to cause a public nuisance and with one count of violating the …

Stuxnet was planted via infected memory stick

Although it has never been confirmed, the speculation that the Stuxnet worm was manufactured for the express reason of disrupting the production at Iran’s Natanz uranium …

MPAA warns Megaupload could set up shop again

Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom and three of the company’s executives are still waiting to see whether the request for the extradition to the US will be granted by the New …

UK govt to introduce new email and web usage monitoring law

The UK Conservative-Liberal Democratic Coalition government is trotting out a new version of the controversial Interception Modernisation Programme (IMP) that was proposed by …

Researchers link string of breaches to Chinese man

Security researchers rarely managed to trace hacking attacks back to a person or a specific entity, but it seems that Trend Micro experts have succeeded in tying a former …

How much does a 0-day vulnerability cost?

The market for exploits for zero-day vulnerabilities has exploded in the last year, says Adriel Desautels, the founder of Netragard, a penetration testing and vulnerability …

US govt and military email addresses offered for sale

Cyber crooks are very well aware that information is a very lucrative commodity and that every type of information has potential buyers. Take email addresses, for example. …

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