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Hackers breach U.S. Energy Department networks

Notifications sent out to employees and contractors of the U.S. Department of Energy have confirmed that it and its networks have been the latest victim of …

FTC urges mobile platforms to consider offering Do Not Track

The explosive growth of mobile services allows consumers to do things that would have been hard to imagine only a few years ago, but at the same time, mobile technology raises …

GitHub MitM attack orchestrated by Chinese censors?

China-based users and visitors of GitHub, the globally popular online source code repository, have been targeted with an man-in-the-middle attack late last Friday, reports …

FBI arrests man accused of coercing women to expose themselves on Internet

A man accused of hacking into hundreds of Facebook, Skype and email accounts and extorting women into showing him their naked bodies was arrested today on federal computer …

U.S. DoD’s cybersecurity force to increase fivefold

The Pentagon is poised to start searching for more than 4,000 new employees for the Defense Department’s Cyber Command, in a bid to boost its cyber defensive and …

Events that defined the European information security landscape in 2012

The past 12 months have been, to say the least, an active time for the information security landscape in Europe. Hacktivism stories dominated mainstream media outlets, the …

Australia’s first National Security Strategy emphasizes cyber defense

The publication of Australia’s first National Security Strategy has revealed that Australia will be turning its economic and strategic focus towards the Asia-Pacific …

Proposed EU cyber security law will require proactive network security

Last week, the European Commission proposed new legislation to require major tech firms like Google and Facebook to report any security breaches to local cyber crime …

Many Fed smartphones have zero password protection

A new report showcases increased security risks with mobile device usage within Federal government as adoption of smartphones and other mobile devices becomes more widespread. …

Cyber-espionage campaign targeting diplomatic and government institutions

Kaspersky Lab identified an elusive cyber-espionage campaign targeting diplomatic, governmental and scientific research organizations in several countries for at least five …

Aaron Swartz’s death triggers MIT investigation, website hack

The news that well-known Web activist and developer Aaron Swartz took his own life on Friday resounded across the Internet at an amazing speed during this past weekend. Many …

Data breaches erode trust in business

Recurring data breaches over the past five years have undermined public trust in the ability of both private firms and Government organisations to safeguard personal …

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