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To hack back or not to hack back?

Many centuries ago, explorers came to the vast land of North America. Shipload upon shipload of dreamers, explorers, businessmen and farmers entered the harbors and spread out …

Obama, Verizon, NSA sued for collecting U.S. citizens’ phone call data

Three individuals have filed the first lawsuit aimed at disputing the constitutionality of NSA’s collection of metadata on phone calls made by or to U.S. citizens. Larry …

ACLU asks spy court to release records on Patriot Act surveillance powers

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Washington and Yale Law School’s Media Freedom and Information Clinic filed a motion on Monday with the secret court that …

NSA whistleblower reveals himself, world reacts

This last week has been the most eventful one in infosec history since I can remember. An (at the time unnamed) whistleblower has rocked the world by disclosing documents that …

EU to vote on stiffer penalties for hackers

Member states of the European Union might soon be creating new laws that will raise minimum prison sentences for convicted cyber attackers and botnet herders. Last week, the …

Proposed bill will deny foreign hackers entry into the U.S.

A day before U.S. President’s scheduled meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, a new act that aims to punish criminals engaging in cyber spying and theft on behalf …

Pirate Bay founder suspected of hacking police databases

Pirate Bay co-founder Gottfrid Svartholm, who has been extradited from Cambodia to Sweden to answer for allegedly hacking of Swedish IT company Logica and the Nordea bank …

U.S. Veterans Affairs Dept. repeatedly targeted by foreign hackers

Conflicting claims were heard at Tuesday’s hearing of the House Veterans’ Affairs oversight and investigations subcommittee, leaving open the question on whether …

NSA legally forces Verizon to hand over all phone records on a daily basis

An order issued by the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) that compels Verizon to share metadata on all the phone calls its users make with the NSA has been …

Spyware sold to foreign governments aimed at U.S. woman critical of Turkish movement

A failed phishing attempt aimed at an unnamed woman openly critical of the G??len Movement has revealed that spyware created for lawful intercept purposes is being used for …

Net neutrality soon to be on EU’s agenda

Lack of regulation has contributed much to the success of the Internet, and made it a hotbed for new ideas. But there are some things that should be regulated and enforced in …

FBI warns car buyers against scammy online deals

If you are looking to buy a car or other vehicle online, be careful not to fall for a scam that has lately had a resurgence and that will leave you without money and possibly …

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