Feds take over online counterfeit card webshop, arrest its operators
Three men who allegedly ran a one-stop online shop selling counterfeit credit cards and holographic overlays to be used by criminals to make fake identifications, face federal …
Motivation and techniques of world’s most sophisticated cyber attackers
CrowdStrike released “CrowdStrike Global Threats Report: 2013 Year in Review,” the product of its year-long study of more than 50 groups of cyber threat actors. …
NSA collects 200 million text messages a day
As the world awaits US President Obama’s official announcement of his plans for an NSA reform, The Guardian disclosed details of yet another NSA bulk data collection …
Bruce Schneier briefs US Congress on the NSA
Well known cryptographer and computer security expert Bruce Schneier has been called in to brief six members of the US Congress. The group, consisting of Representatives Zoe …
Silk Road forfeits $28 million in Bitcoins
Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced the forfeiture of approximately 29,655 Bitcoins (which, at today’s Bitcoin …
US Federal Court deals a blow to net neutrality
With a verdict of 3-to-0, judges of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit have decided to strike down the Federal Communications Commission’s Open …
Privacy advocates announce day of protest against NSA spying
A broad coalition of activist groups, companies, and online platforms will hold a worldwide day of activism in opposition to the NSA’s mass spying regime on February …
NSA employee will remain as co-chair on crypto standards group
NSA employee Kevin Igoe will continue to be one of the two co-chairs of the Crypto Forum Research Group (CFRG), which helps the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) review …
Will 2014 be the year of encryption?
Security experts at Unisys predicted that the coming year will usher in broad-based adoption of encryption as enterprises respond to recent disclosures that unencrypted data …
Federal agency cloud adoption increases 400%
Tripwire announced the results of a survey on cloud security technology trends in the federal government. The survey evaluated the attitudes of more than 100 federal …
Obama panel advises big changes to NSA surveillance practices
The “independent” Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies ordered to be created by US president Barack Obama in August has finally delivered …
Lead MEP presents preliminary conclusions on NSA inquiry
The European Parliament should consent to a trade deal with the US only if it makes no reference to data protection, says its Civil Liberties Committee in the preliminary …