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Federal agencies face outsider threats and internal ignorance

A SolarWinds cybersecurity survey among federal IT pros revealed that while the majority of respondents describe their agencies as cybersecurity-ready, many still face attacks …

Additional NSA-backed code found in RSA crypto products

A group of professors and researchers from several universities in the US and the Netherlands have tested the exploitability of various implementations of the infamous …

ACLU probes US police’s use of fake cell towers

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is on a mission to find out which local and state law enforcement forces in the US are using “stingrays” and how, but are …

NSA compromised Huawei’s servers, spied on its executives

For years, the US government has been very vocal about its distrust of Chinese telecommunication giant Huawei, pointedly blocking acquisitions and takeovers that would allow …

US tech firms knew about and assisted with PRISM data collection

In a testimony before the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, the NSA general council Rajesh De and his colleague stated on Wednesday that the tech companies that …

Operation dismantles child exploitation enterprise on Tor network

DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson highlighted the complete results of one of the largest online child exploitation investigations in the history of ICE, involving victims in 39 states …

NSA records a country’s phone calls, keeps the records for a month

By leveraging a surveillance system dubbed MYSTIC, the US National Security Agency has been recording all phone calls made in a foreign country for a period of 30 days, newly …

Net neutrality: Industry MEPs want stricter rules against blocking rival services

Internet providers should no longer be able to block or slow down internet services provided by their competitors, says the Industry Committee which on Tuesday approved rules …

IBM: We never shared client data with NSA

IBM is the latest tech giant to deny any involvement in NSA’s PRISM data collection program and to claim that they have not set up backdoors in their products. “In …

EU sets huge fines for firms who violate users’ privacy

MEPs inserted stronger safeguards for EU citizens’ personal data that gets transferred to non-EU countries in a major overhaul of the EU’s data protection laws …

Stop mass surveillance now or face consequences, MEPs say to US

Parliament’s consent to the EU-US trade deal “could be endangered” if blanket mass surveillance by the US National Security Agency does not stop, members of …

Head of Senate Intelligence Committee accuses CIA of spying on Senate

The long awaited reprimand of the US intelligence community by Senator Dianne Feinstein, the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, happened yesterday, but not for the …

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