Can the next EU regulation guarantee data protection for all?
The European Parliament has agreed its text, the Commission is satisfied with the latest draft, so now we’re are only waiting for the Council of member states to work …
Reactions to President Obama’s 2015 State of the Union Address
President Obama’s State of the Union Address featured a new legislative focus on cyber security issues: No foreign nation, no hacker, should be able to shut down our …
UK GCHQ collected emails of UK, US journalists
British intelligence agency GCHQ has, at least on one occasion, slurped up emails sent by and to journalists working for a number of high-profile news organizations and shared …
Bold reform needed to strengthen U.S cybersecurity
Mr. President, the status quo in cybersecurity is failing the U.S. It is failing the commercial sector, which is being publicly breached on a weekly basis, and it is failing …
North Korean networks compromised by NSA for a while now
A report based on documents from Edward Snowden’s NSA trove and published by Der Spiegel on Saturday described the extensive cyber spying and sabotaging capabilities of …
UK PM Cameron demonizes encryption, US report says it’s vital
When British Prime Minister David Cameron announced on Tuesday his plan to introduce new surveillance powers in the UK by forcing businesses to plant backdoors in their …
US President spells out his cybersecurity legislative agenda
In the lead-up to the annual State of the Union address scheduled for next Tuesday, US president Barack Obama is doing rounds and giving a glimpse into his legislative plan …
FBI director confident North Korea was behind Sony hack, still offers no evidence
When late last year the FBI provided an update on their investigation into the Sony Pictures Entertainment hack, they fingered the North Korean government as the instigator. …
Internet freedom around the world is in decline
US-based NGO Freedom House has published its fifth annual Freedom of the Net study and the results are upsetting: internet users in nearly half of the 65 countries assessed in …
US DOJ announces creation of a Cybersecurity Unit
The US Department of Justice has announced the creation of a new unit within its Criminal Division: the Cybersecurity Unit. “The Cybersecurity Unit will have …
How to evaluate national cyber security strategies
ENISA issued an Evaluation Framework on National Cyber Security Strategies (NCSS) addressed to policy experts and government officials who design, implement and evaluate an …
Detekt government surveillance spyware on your computer
Amnesty International, Digitale Gesellschaft, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Privacy International have partnered to create and release a free and open source tool for …