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Coalition for Responsible Cybersecurity fights proposed export control regulations

A broad cross-section of industry announced the formation of the Coalition for Responsible Cybersecurity. The purpose of the Coalition is to prevent the Commerce Department …

Germany’s new cyber-security law aimed at securing critical infrastructure

German institutions and businesses that fall in the “critical infrastructure” category will have to implement new information security measures, as defined by the …

FBI director insists Silicon Valley can solve the encryption dilemma – if they try hard enough

On Wednesday, the US Senate Judiciary Committee got to hear from FBI director James Comey and DOJ Deputy Attorney General Sally Quillian Yates on how end-to-end encryption …

Teenage Lizard Squad hacker found guilty of 50,700 charges

A 17-year-old member of the infamous Lizard Squad has been found guilty of 50,700 charges by a Finnish court, but won’t serve his sentence in a prison.Among other …

Security experts explain to US, UK governments why mandated encryption backdoors are a bad idea

Today, FBI director James Comey and Sally Quillian Yates, the deputy attorney general at the Justice Department, are scheduled to address the US Senate Judiciary Committee …

Hacking Team scrambling to limit damage brought on by explosive data leak

Who hacked Hacking Team, the Milan-based company selling intrusion and surveillance software to governments, law enforcement agencies and (as it turns out) companies? A hacker …

Man gets 50 months in prison hacking U.S.-based financial institutions

Qendrim Dobruna, a member of an international cybercrime syndicate, was sentenced to 50 months’ imprisonment and restitution in the amount of $14 million for his role in …

Hacking Team hacked, 400GB+ of company documents and emails leaked

Hacking Team, the (in)famous Italian company that provides offensive intrusion and surveillance software to governments, intelligence and law enforcement agencies around the …

NIST revises security publication on random number generation

In response to public concerns about cryptographic security, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has formally revised its recommended methods for …

WikiLeaks publishes reports showing NSA spied on French presidents

WikiLeaks has published “Espionnage Élysée”, a set of intelligence reports and documents that show that the US NSA has, between 2006 and 2012, intercepted the …

Who fixes the most vulnerabilities?

Web and mobile applications produced or used by government organizations are more likely than those in other industries to fail standard security policies like the OWASP Top …

The state of cyber security in Thailand

Thailand – the land of smiles – invited me as a panelist to the CSA ASEAN 2015 summit. Bangkok, with its fantastic street food, smiling people and general …

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