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How can we decide on surveillance and privacy when we can’t see the whole picture?

“The surveillance of communications faces a legitimization crisis,” says James Losey, a fellow with the Open Technology Institute, the technology program of the …

Regin spyware found on German Chancellery staff’s personal laptop

The German Federal Prosecutor’s Office has started an investigation regarding the discovery of the infamous Regin backdoor on the private laptop owned by a staff member …

Nine arrested in UK investigation of criminal network defrauding bank customers

Detectives investigating an organized criminal network responsible for defrauding bank customers across the UK out of approximately £60 million have arrested nine …

WikiLeaks publishes documents stolen from CIA director’s email account

CIA Director John Brennan’s private AOL email account has been hacked, apparently by teenage hackers with good social engineering skills.While it seems that the account …

IS hackers are attacking the US energy grid

The US energy grid is under cyber attack from Islamic State hackers but fortunately, these attacks end up in failure because the hackers are simply not skilled enough to do …

Private email account of CIA Director compromised by teenage hackers?

CIA Director John Brennan apparently got his private AOL email account hacked, and the attackers revealed that it contained information that shouldn’t have been there: …

Cops are turning to privately held DNA databases for info to help with investigations

For those people who are worried about privacy and know how these things usually work out, the fact that and 23andMe offered DNA analyzing services for genealogy …

Secret code in color printers enables government tracking

A research team led by the EFF recently broke the code behind tiny tracking dots that some color laser printers secretly hide in every document.The U.S. Secret Service …

Point-and-shoot weapon stops drones without destroying them

Unmanned aerial vehicles – so-called drones – can be helpful, malicious, or simply disruptive, depending on the intentions of those who use them.But while regular …

UK, US law enforcement agencies disrupt Dridex botnet

The UK’s National Crime Agency is spearheading an onslaught against the Dridex (aka Bugat, aka Cridex) banking malware and the criminals that wield it.“Dridex …

The countdown to the EU Data Protection Regulation

The scope of the changes under the proposed shift to a single EU Data Protection Regulation, means that organisations should be doing the groundwork now to ensure they’re not …

Cybersecurity expectations: Myth and reality

Millennials in the U.S. and U.K. have almost entirely lost trust in government and business to protect their personal information online, according to Intercede.The number of …

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