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Europol and GCA will fight cybercrime through the exchange of information

Europol and the Global Cyber Alliance (GCA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to cooperate on decreasing systemic cyber risk and improving internet security …

corporate cloud
Key cloud adoption trends and challenges for government entities

Cloud computing has become a trending topic for federal CIOs in the last few years, according to Netwrix. In response to the Obama administration’s cloud-first …

54% of Americans say existing cyber security laws aren’t getting the job done

As President Trump and the new Congress stake out a 2017 agenda, Americans want to see a pressing need to modernize laws dealing with the digital economy and stepped up …

Global data privacy laws: The #1 cross-border e-discovery challenge

In the year since the EU’s rejection of Safe Harbor, there has been a spike in legal concern over cross-border data transfers, according to a survey by BDO Consulting. Sixty …

Western Union
Western Union admits it facilitated scammers, forfeits $586 million

Western Union has agreed to forfeit $586 million and enter into agreements with the Federal Trade Commission, the Justice Department, and several U.S. Attorneys’ Offices. …

EU flag
54% of organizations have not advanced their GDPR compliance readiness

More than half of organizations have failed to begin any work on meeting minimum General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance, according to a study conducted by Vanson …

Google publishes eight national security letters

Have you ever wondered what a national security letter (NSL) received by Google looks like? Well, wonder no more, as the Internet giant has published eight of them. Along with …

Top 4 global security threats businesses will face in 2017

The Information Security Forum (ISF) has announced their outlook for the top four global security threats that businesses will face in 2017. “The pace and scale of …

Governments are behind on data encryption in the public cloud

A HyTrust survey of 59 government and military organizations found that nearly 20 percent of those respondents do not implement data security or encryption solutions in the …

Former Expedia IT support worker spied on company executives

A computer support technician formerly employed at Expedia offices in San Francisco pleaded guilty to securities fraud. Jonathan Ly, 28, admitted he used his position in tech …

Massive cybercrime infrastructure demolished

After more than four years of investigation, the Public Prosecutor’s Office Verden and the Lüneburg Police in cooperation with the US Attorney’s Office for the Western …

What does a Trump presidency mean for cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity played a major role in this year’s election cycle. For the first time in American history, data breaches, email servers and encryption directly influenced who …

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