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Election infrastructure security: Should we use Internet voting?

To protect the integrity and security of U.S. elections, all local, state, and federal elections should be conducted using human-readable paper ballots by the 2020 …

Implications of the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018

It’s no secret, consumers are increasingly mindful of who is accessing, collecting, receiving, storing and otherwise processing their personal data. In an effort to …

Why pushback on the CCPA is wrong

Since GDPR was implemented on May 25th, 2018 one big question has been lurking in the U.S.: When will the U.S. Federal Government follow suit? With the spate of breaches over …

ADAC test
How to remove personal data from connected cars

“Your car is a computer that stores a lot of information about you. When you sell or donate your car, that personal data might be accessible to the next owner if you …

Privacy Shield: Should I stay or should I go?

The lead up to the GDPR enforcement date consumed a large swath of media coverage. This essentially buried the news that in early July 2018, the European Union Parliament …

Department of Defense
Hack the Marine Corps bug bounty program kicks off

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and HackerOne launched the Department’s sixth bug bounty program, Hack the Marine Corps. The bug bounty challenge will focus on Marine …

Business ideas
Achieving compliance: GDPR, CCPA and beyond

AB 375, or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) of 2018, was signed into law by California Governor, Jerry Brown, on June 28, 2018 and is recognized as one of the …

World powers equip, train other countries for surveillance

Privacy International has released a report that looks at how powerful governments are financing, training and equipping countries with surveillance capabilities. Countries …

The IEEE is against mandated encryption backdoors

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has added its voice to the chorus of security experts, privacy advocates, lawmakers and other prominent …

HMRC collected voiceprints of 5.1 million UK taxpayers

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has collected voiceprints of some 5.1 million UK taxpayers without their explicit consent, and won’t reveal whether these …

The ethical and legal dilemmas of threat researchers

Threat intelligence is mainstreaming into a de-facto everyday tool of cyber-defense. But all that intelligence must be collected, analyzed, and prepared by someone. Enter …

US Senate votes to save net neutrality

The US Senate has voted in favor of net neutrality by approving a Congressional Review Act resolution that would undo the Federal Communications Commission’s December …

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