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Regulation readiness: Embracing the privacy legislation wave ahead

There are a few certainties in life. Your attempt to use the fifteen-item express checkout line with sixteen items will be denied by the seventeen-year-old cashier. The …

One year of GDPR application: Europeans well aware of their digital rights

Europeans are relatively well aware of the new data protection rules, their rights and the existence of national data protection authorities, to whom they can turn for help …

Significant trends are beginning to develop in the Government ID market

The worldwide installed base of both smart and legacy credentials will grow from 9.8 billion in 2018 to 11.5 billion in 2023, according to ABI Research. With increased rates …

US Army
First framework to score the agility of cyber attackers and defenders

To help train government and industry organizations on how to prevent cyberattacks, as part of a research project for the U.S. Army, scientists at The University of Texas at …

US Customs
US border agency contractor breached, license plate and travelers’ photos stolen

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced that a hacker may have stolen sensitive data collected by the agency from a subcontractor’s network. “On May 31, …

Handle personal data: What we forget is as important as what we remember

This spring, Facebook addressed the issue of permanence across its messaging platforms – from Instagram to Messenger to WhatsApp – with the aim to “set a new standard” for …

Most global workers noticed stricter policies at work as a result of GDPR

When enforcement of the GDPR went into effect on May 25, 2018, it had worldwide implications on data protection and privacy legislation. One year later, there are conflicting …

How many adults trust companies with their personal data?

More than one third (36%) of adults aged 16–75 trust companies and organizations with their personal data more since GDPR came into effect one year ago, according to TrustArc. …

A closer look at mobile permissions one year into GDPR

With GDPR reaching its one year anniversary May 25, Airship revealed top-level results of its global benchmark study, examining the state of mobile app user permissions across …

Data privacy: A hot-button issue for Americans one year after GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect in the European Union a year ago this month. GDPR, which gives EU citizens more control over their personal data …

Half of companies missed GDPR deadline, 70% admit systems won’t scale

Even if given two years notice to achieve GDPR compliance, only half of companies self-reported as compliant by May 25, 2018, a DataGrail survey reveals. “The Age of Privacy: …

Three ways GDPR benefits US companies

It’s hard to believe we’ve almost reached the one-year anniversary of the date the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect. Leading up to that May 25, 2018 …

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