The dark side of the new Android Market
A new version of the Android Market has just been launched, making it possible for every device owner to look for applications, buy or even remotely install apps to an Android …
Google offers Pwn2Own contestants $20,000 for Chrome exploit
As during the previous four years, this year’s edition of the CanSecWest conference will welcome security researchers bent on trying to exploit vulnerabilities in …
Automated backup service for Google Apps
Backupify announced One-Click Restore for critical data stored in Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar and Google Contacts accounts. Over three million businesses and …
Fuzzing tool discovers over 100 vulnerabilities in popular browsers
The public release of cross_fuzz – a cross-document DOM binding fuzzer that is able to detect vulnerabilities in all browsers by examining how they interact with various …
Is Google losing its fight against spam?
Once upon a time, Google was unequivocally the best and the most popular search engine in the world. Ranking pages by how they were interconnected (linked) to other sites, …
Google doesn’t want to share its encryption keys
Two years ago, the wish to have control over communication systems and the lack of technical resources of Indian intelligence agencies has led to a particular request targeted …
EU investigates Google antitrust violations
The European Commission has decided to open an antitrust investigation into allegations that Google has abused a dominant position in online search, in violation of European …
Google Apps Script API flaw allowed attacker to impersonate Google
Details about a recently discovered and exploited vulnerability that allowed a 21-year-old Armenian hacker to harvest GMail addresses and send to their owners a message coming …
Orkut users under phishing attack
Orkut users have lately been targeted with a clever scheme that redirects them to phishing pages without them having to do anything except visit a compromised account. Using …
Google updates Chrome security
Google Chrome has been updated to 7.0.517.44 for Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome Frame on the Stable channel. Along with the security fixes below, this build has an updated …
Google’s Gmail security checklist
Every now and then, Google adds tools and issues warnings that are meant to help its users feel and stay safe while using their offerings – the recent warning to Gmail …
A phishing e-mail to learn from
A phishing attempt that makes even people who are very good at spotting them pause for a moment and take a good look is a perfect example on which to learn. Ravi Dehar of …